
Friday, April 17, 2009

KHJ Overload...

These photos were taken when Hyun Joong was at Kimpo airport on the 15th of April on way his way to Japan together with the rest of the members of SS501 and cast of 'Boys Over Flowers'.

Though there were only few photos of him that day, I'm glad... really really glad... that they're coming out tonight.

Here they are...

and here are GIFs from JBC Hall....

he's so adorable <3>



huge thanks again to fiona1111 for sharing on khj thread @ soompi


  1. Anonymous3:19 PM

    soooo cuteeee and adorable, my little prince!!!!!

    he looks like a baby with an angelic smile and face...^^

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Hyun Joong's covering his eyes with his hands.... sooo cute & adorable that I kept looking at it over and over and over again.....

    Can watch it million times.... haha~~

    Tks liezle!
