
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Summary of BoF Csst Events

Haven't proofread this yet... please bear with this. please take note that this is not a direct translation but only the gist of what was written in Brokore. Hopefully someone will post the exact translation later.

Here's the 'details' of what was posted by Brokore regarding yesterday and today's activity of the cast of BoF.

April 15

11:15 AM
less than 100 fans were waiting for F4 in Haneda. BoF members arrived.

15:30 PM TBS
GHS with F4 heading to Akasaka to be the guest in Asakasu San show. Then they had a free mini event at the circus place where they greeted some fans where Kim Hyun Joong spoke some Japanese.

April 16

11AM JBC Hall
The cast had a rehearsal for the event. T-Max had a handshake event with fans at 2pm but only few fans were there.

few hours before the concert. staff were selling pen lights and badges.

Mid afternoon concert. Fans with posters were lining up. There were fans from Korea as well. when the mid afternoon concert started Geum Jan Di and F4 went on stage and the fans went wild. T-Max sang. Then one member from F4 sang as well.

4PM at JBC Hall
Scenes from BoF were shown [something like : scenes that will make you want to watch BoF]. Characters were introduced.

Lee Min Ho's video clips [non BoF] were shown.

5:00 PM
SS501 sang "Making a Lover" then the crowd went wild again.

Press conference at JBC Hall [outside] started. There something about a set up like Shinwah outside of the hall we just can't get the exact message... sorry

from happiebb's post on khj thread @ soompi [thanks bb!]

i think the japanese posting says the staff selling the BoF merchandise were all dressed in shinhwa uniform, so the atmos was abit like a reunion or gathering of shinhwa students.... then it went further to say that it felt as though shinhwa college was real, and during the evening concert, maybe it would feel like they're in the shinhwa campus

after 20 minutes presscon and photo session started outside of JBC Hall. fans for the night concert started coming.

Evening concert started! The hall was filled with fans up to the 3rd floor. Goo Hye Sun and the F4 went on stage wearing different attire from the afternoon concert.

Goo Hye Sun confessed that she and Geum Jan Di have the same hobby... and that is eating. She alse said that during the shooting she gained 7kg.

Then T-Max sang 'Paradise'

Next is Kim Bum. He was the one who sang in the afternoon concert. He's sang really good. But he has no plans of being a singer. Then he said, "Girls really love So Yi Jeon, but I don't have a girlfriend. Everybody here is my girlfriend." He then presented a present, a t-shirt he wore at the rehearsal and CD.

8:20 PM
Then it's Kim Hyun Joong went on stage. He said that 'As Yoon Ji Hoo, I used words that i donit usually say so it was really embarrassing.' Then he played the guitar. Then the MC said that Kim Hyun Joong looks like the character in the original version. The he went red.

from happiebb's post on khj thread @ soompi ~ [thanks bb for the correction!]

i think this part should be him saying that as yoon jihoo, he used words that he didn't usually speak, so it was embarrassing and made him very shy. so he watched the drama alone.... and ya, he played the guitar (which was the same tune as what he had played for jandi in the later part of the drama). and then it went on to say he was the closest to the original character in the manga.

8:40 PM
Lee Min Ho came out wearing black shirt and black suit. He came out from the back of the arena and the crowd shouted. Just like the afternoon concert he looked nervous. Then a slide show of Min Ho was shown. Then he said after the slide show that he still carry with him the habit of putting up his pinky finger.

In the afternoon slide show there was one photo were he was holding something. He then called his mom to confirm what he was holding. His mom said that it was ice candy. It was also shown in the slide show some of his CFs. Then his message about doing his best every time he'll meet his fans.

9:00 PM
Goo Hye Sun and F4 had some sort of a talk show and games. Questions asked were:

- who is the cast with the most NG
- who amongst the cast has a very big gap with his/her real character and role he/she played in the drama.
- who has lots of energy amongst them.
- what they want to say to the director and producer. GHS answered "Treat us out.". The producer and director were very near them and they didn't answer. But after the segment they went up to greet the cast on stage.

Then a message by LMH
"I had a very nice time today. I hope to meet u all soon again, pls support BoF."

9:20 PM
SS501 sang 2 songs 'Because I'm Stupid' and 'Dejavu'. After the song all the cast went on stage and the event ended with confetti.

heaps of thanks to mymyjane of byj thread @ soompi for helping me out on this one.

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