
Thursday, September 24, 2009

them singing english songs... not bad

I had this in my draft for the longest time [to be exact April 12, 2009] but wasn't able to post. The reason? Hee, I already forgot. ^_^

I've been looking for something to post but couldn't find that interests me. I'm even thinking of a topic to blog about SS501 but my mind just wouldn't cooperate. Then I thought of going over my draft items to check if there are anything that I haven't posted yet. And lo! I found this. A draft I've prepared featuring SS501 and its members singing English songs. Yeah!

I know most have seen and listened to this countless times. But at times like this, when news about them are scarce, wouldn't it nice to see their old videos and recall?

Have you ever get tired of listening to them? I don't and not even when singing English songs just like this set of YouTube vids of each of them and as a group. [well except for Kyu Jong and Jung Min]. Check them out again.

Btw, thanks to all uploaders. ^_^

Kim Hyung Joon and Heo Young Saeng

Kim Hyun Joong with T.O.P. of BigBang doing 'Rise and Fall'

Kim Hyun Joong 'Creep'

Hyung Joon 'Just Once'

SS501 'No Matter What'

SS501 'In A Rush'

I would have wanted to have solo perf of Kyu Jong and Jung Min singing English too included in this post but I'm not up to going to YT to search. Hee, If it's not too much to ask if there's anyone who has encountered YT vid of Kyu Jong and Jung Min singing English song please give me the embedded link so that I can include the vid here. Thanks in advance!

P.S. I was just about to log out when I received an email from candy19. This is Hyung Joon singing 'So Sick' in Music High last 9.03.09 [just recently]. Hmm, I missed this one. Btw, this is one of his favorite English songs. ^_^ He always sings this.


  1. liezle, you're the best! whenever I'm about to enter your blog, I'm anticipating what you've prepared for us :)

    I have to say Baby signing So Sick is pretty cool, his english isn't bad at all. and the whole group singigng No Matter What and In The Rush... so awesome. I've already listened to it about 5 times :D

  2. Dear liezle, thank you so much. I appreciate your blog very very much. It's such a pleasant place to visit every day. Wish you a happy day/night. It's noon time here in U.S. west coast.


  3. wen06076:19 AM

    Thanks Liezle for the video~ ^^
    I love the one leader sings the Creep~~>.<

  4. sorbet6:35 AM

    hi liezle! :) thanks for this post.
    the video you posted them singing "no matter what" showed them improved alot! bcos i saw a video of them singing when they just debuted...same song..but pronounciation wasnt that good (Except for magnae hyung joon). but in this video, wow they sounded good! :)

    even though young saeng is the main vocal, i think hyung joon has a powerful voice as well... somehow i think he talented and works real hard, but is somewhat under-recognised? hopefully he can get more recognition for his work, get as popular as leader! :)
    maybe bcos he used to be too child-like in the past, but now he has become more manly and way too cute, i hope he will get rewarded for his efforts! too long-winded.

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    liezle i got one of minnie singing in english jejejeeje but it is not a formal performance jijiji it is just him playing with the camera for a few seconds jaajaja but its really really funny....the video its actually called jungminnie on crack jajaja LOL

  6. omo! i havent watch some of these videos but i must say i was totally impressed with hjung joon! oh my! his english is soo good! im totally falling in love with his voice!! before i wasnt even noticing him but now.. wow! thanks liezle for sharing this!!! ^^

  7. dear liezle,
    i wanna see baby jun singing back at one brian mcknight please??

    thanks so muchh

  8. Liezle,

    Do you have the copies of Maknae's Green Gold videos? Can I have it? Will try to translate them if I can (when I'm not seeing my patients)
    But no guarantee....ok?

  9. Hello Brenda. Oh really?! wow please but don't pressure yourself, k? the patients come first. ^_^

    2 episode have been out and shirbogurl was so nice to share them with us.

    for episode one here is the link >

    for episode 2, here >

    if you'll be able to do this, i'm sure shirley will be happy to sub the video.

    thank you.


  10. liliya11:52 PM

    HI Liezle,

    Hope you are still up. just released a promotion video. I have uploaded to my YT account.

    Check it out. Here is the link:

  11. Who said they can't sing (Eng)... I love them all especially HJ's creep, baby's just once and the most I love the song is "No matter what" ^^

  12. Hey, please keep going. You are really doing great! Just amazing! Could anyone help to find out my sweet heart I love?

    Thank much
