
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Thursday Laugh

I'm done cleaning, I'm done eating... there's nothing much to do. Was looking for some videos to watch and found these 2 cute videos of SS501 in 2008.

These guys are really really cute and they never fail to make me laugh when ever they make TV appearances just like these videos in Japan and in their home country.

I've seen their other videos in Japan [TV guestings] and Hyun Joong always looking dazed ^^ Hee, I guess he's absorbing what the host is trying to say. Amongst the members, it is Jung Min who knows how to talk Japanese. I remember when they started living in Japan and they've this mission... he's the one who can converse pretty well. But apparently he and Hyung Joon always ended up defeated by the group of Hyun Joong, Kyu Jong and Young Saeng. Oh yeah, it seems that they always make Hyung Joon look awkward whenever he tries being a comic. Poor baby... no worries... i always have a big smile for you. ^___^

Btw, I find it surprising that Kyu Jong speaks well too. As for Hyun Joong, he's the same Hyun Joong even when speaking Japanese. Every time he opens his mouth funny words always come out. Such an adorable dork ^^

I cracked up when they started playing in 5.10 mark of the video below. Hyun Joong is so hilarious. ^^

p.s. SS501 will leave for the the states on May 6. They will be there for 10 days for album preparation.

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