
Friday, April 24, 2009

[Trans] BYJ, extraordinary consideration...

Finally the article that i just posted has been translated by Joanne on BYJ's Quilt News Section. As always, thank you very much Joanne for your tireless effort.

Kwon Ohkyeong posted this on the Talk Box of BYJ's official home.
Korean to English translation by Joanne on BYJ's Quilt

BYJ, extraordinary consideration of taking care of pocket money for lowest ranked manager in company
[Sports World]4/23/09

'Successful people have something different no matter what it is'

It was revealed that BYJ, an entrepreneur as well as an actor, accomplished his current success with careful personality of taking care of the lowest ranks in his company.

Manager is the one of the poorest paid jobs in the society. When listening to stories from people in the entertainment businesses, (managers) start receiving poorer salaries than temporary employees which are becoming a social issue lately. However, they would stand those sufferings because they heard of myths of their seniors who raised stars. They bear the pain with one thought that they will become like seniors who accomplished success myth rising up from the bottom. However, the situation is that making stars is more difficult than getting stars (in sky). Even though numerous young people enter path of manager, most of them give up being unable to overcome poor pay and tremendous schedule.

Because BYJ is aware of such situation, he encouraged newbies who began managing job in Boundaries of Forest (BOF) founded by himself as he took care of separate spending money every month. A person in entertainment business, who had begun manager career in the BOF recalls that time saying, "At that time the salary was very much poor," and "I was very much disappointed after getting my first pay, but Mr. BYJ took care of pocket money separately on next day. I was really too thankful to an extent that I was not able to say anything." Such consideration gave pride to managers in his agency, and that grew the BOF as big tree in Korean entertainment business.

Continuing on, he also said words about rumor surrounding BYJ. "As Mr. BYJ's personality is free & easy and manly, he does a lot of playful things to people around him. I think people misunderstand him at the sight of those," and "As people ask me about Mr. BYJ and my heart is really wanting to record those and play for them."

By the way, BYJ recently set out to social service including taking pictorials for environmental protection along with actors in his agency, and donating that profit to Korean Committee of UNEP, an environmental (protection) organization.

Reported by Hwang Inseong,
Copyright (c) Sports World

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