
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ASTA Magazine featuring KHJ [again]

Someone mentioned in KHJ thread @ soompi that this is the 3rd time that ASTA is featuring Kim Hyun Joong in their magazine. ^^

The June issue carries photos of Hyun Joong at the filming site of his latest soda CF and photos from Haptic. And I must say that ASTA picked only the best photos for this issue. To verify why I said best, it would be much better if you click each photo to make it bigger.

I've written it many times and said that
Hyun Joong is one of those men
that I find with sexy neck.

somehow the scars on his arm
makes him more sexy.

this is what i call effortless cuteness^^

i just love that smile!

heard that the shirt his wearing by Bean Pole is
so saleable that it went out of stock when 10 days
after Hyun Joong modeled it for Haptic.

lifted from
original credit goes to :

p.s. regarding the '2009 Korea Junior Star Awards' wherein Hyun Joong and Kim Bum were nominated last Saturday. It was in the news that Hyun Joong won the Best Newcomer Award. Congratulations!

btw, ‘Korea Junior Star Awards’ was sponsored by Korea Movie Producer Association.

p.p.s. Those who have downloaded Music High where in Double HJ were together last Saturday morning at 2am, you might want to read the translation of sammikoo HERE.

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