
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

[BYJ] More about Korean Cuisine Globalization

Aside from being a member of Korean Cuisine Globalization and being the Ambassor for the Visiting Korea is there any additional role under his sleeves? He's been doing so much already as a businessman. I'm just worried that this may hamper some of his activities as an actor. I'm not complaining it's just that I want to hear/read more news about new projects not related to being a businessman. Don't get me wrong, k? I'm elated to know that his hardwork as an entrepreneur is being recognized but still he's an actor and has fans all over the world waiting for his next project.


Group aims to extend reach of local cuisine

First Lady Kim Yoon-ok, center, and actor Bae Yong-joon, far right,
and other members of the Task Force for Korean Cuisine to the World
listen to a chef explain traditional Korean refreshments
at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry
in central Seoul yesterday. [YONHAP]

Fried rice, foie gras, spaghetti and kimchi?

In a bid to globalize and commercialize hansik, Korean cuisine, a group of government leaders, academics and prominent personalities officially launched a committee yesterday that will focus on, what else, food.

The Task Force for Korean Cuisine to the World is part of the government’s efforts to position Korean food among the world’s top five cuisines within a decade. That elite tier currently includes Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese and Thai food.

First Lady Kim Yoon-ok, honorary chairwoman of the task force, stressed yesterday that globalization of Korean food will be crucial to economic growth and the spread of Korean culture worldwide.

“Korean cuisine has a great potential to be well-received by foreigners as it meets one of the prevailing conditions of the current world food trend - being healthy,” Kim said in the inauguration ceremony at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Seoul. “But there are many [challenges] that lie ahead.”

To get Korean foods on the plates of people across the world, a strategic promotional approach is a must, Kim said. “We need to find the foods that foreigners will like,” she said. “To make it suit their taste buds, we need to make some adjustments. It is also urgent and vital to increase the number of places and occasions where foreigners can experience Korean cuisine.”

The committee is composed of 36 members from government ministries, academia, the general population and the private sector. The Agriculture Ministry said it will focus this year on promoting bibimbap (rice mixed with vegetables and meat), tteokbokki (sweet and spicy boiled rice cakes), traditional Korean liquors and kimchi.

By Kim Mi-ju []


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Hi Liezle

    Like you (and many fans who do not want to sound selfish by speaking up), I prefer to hear news about his new acting projects.

    And like you, it's not that we are not happy that he's so successful in his business activities or complaining about it.

    I think he has reached that point in his life when he wants to do other things so that he will not be dependant only on acting. I just feel that we are going to see less and less of him in acting. And I don't think he's going to change his mind even if we were to petition him.


  2. hi CLA glad to see you here.

    we know how stubborn yong joon is. but no matter what we fans are always waiting for him. i really do hope though that during this time until 'dream high' or 'drops of god' that he'll do a movie. i hope that the news about 'IKKI' a.k.a. 'The Moss' [a korean comic series. i blogged about this sometime ago]. let's keep our hopes high since BOF nor Yong Joon has denied this.

    take care.


  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Thanks, Liezle.

    Yeah, I read your earlier blog about that movie. Good luck to all BYJ fans.


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