
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kim Hyun Joong & Park Shin Hye - Dynamic Kin Interview [w/ trans]

Note : I'm just moving this post up to include the translation of the interview. Thanks to eun_chan for posting in khj thread @ soompi.

hoonfami is always fast... thanks for the YT link ^^

Check this video, it's the interview of Hyun Joong and Park Shin Hye by KBS while on while they were shooting their latest CF for Coca Cola - Dynamic Kin.

Wish that subtitle is already available. Looks like another funny interview with Hyun Joong.

p.s. I wonder what he did the night before the filming of these CF. he's eyebags are so big even make up can't conceal them.

korean to english translation by knossos

Interviewer: your skin looks really good today.
HJ: because of the CF I did massage pack and put on lotion before going to sleep.
Voice Over : it's been a while since we saw him since the end of BOF.
interviewer: what have you been doing since the drama ended?
HJ: preparing for SS 2nd album practice for Asia tour and also did some travelling
int: where did you go to on your travels?
HJ: here and went to Gundae univ. (a place near the univ) and many places in seoul (there were all in seoul)
HJ: Hongdae,gundae, and Apgujiung dong (all seoul)
caption: he just enjoyed touring of Seoul
INT: are you from the country side?
HJ: no it's Jamshil (a place in seoul)
VO: but the two people.... they started just running around.... oh must be hard work
VO: maybe there is a pay for the hard work after all.... sweet kiss scene was about to happen but then
VO: right at the moment ....... the girl stopped it
VO: HJ is worried about Shin Hye the actress
caption: she stopped it because she's afraid of getting 1 million antis?
HJ: ah no not 1 million....just about 200,000 antis
VO: but still so envious (of Shinhye)
int: hello
int: you've done lots of CFs...must have made a lot of money..?
HJ: to be honest, my company haven't done the proper calculation and deduction and dividing.... so I haven't faced up to the reality yet (that's literally waht he said)
INt: today's concept is "freshness" ...can you do a pose to embody freshness?
HJ: my shave was done well today so I think I can do that well
int: so you did the pose already?
HJ: no
int: one two three
vo: ahhh wow isn't that really fresh?
knossos: refreshing rather....not fresh in american sense
int: so did you two become close since working togehter?
HJ: we talked a bit and I found out that she's my neighbor (from same town)
HJ: since she's my neighbor I'd be nicer to her and I hope we all work towards the progress of our neighborhood
VO: there's rumour around that hj's changed a lot
kyu in happy together describing hj's recent change ..kyu: "he used to be the kind of person who would jump and down and act all crazy but now he's calmed down now.... and imitated his words ..
int: what do you think is a trait of yun ji hu that has total opssite of your personality?
HJ: the way he talks... that kind of talk is something I hate the most....kind of things that overly sweet
HJ: but yun ji hu has a lot of money and good at sports well..... I will just be yoon ji hu from now
the clip from one of the past interviews "I am not in the position to pick my next work...if there is something good..send them to my company"
int: have you gotten offers?
HJ: no, no offers yet but I will do all the things that others won't do me
int: if you wish to venture out in your work what would it be?
shin hye: play...I want to play...I am studying for it
HJ: I like performing on stage ,,,I want bigger stage.....Asian and world....
I want to be able to perfrom in Europe and even Africa..

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