
Monday, May 11, 2009

Lucky Lucky shrimpy ^^ [added photos]

Here's a fan account shared by shrimpy on khj thread @ soompi. Wow, she's so damn lucky. Actually she and khin are so lucky.

I remember sending her and khin tips and the chants. But these ladies actually doesn't need them because lady luck was seating on their shoulder. ^^

Btw, thank you shrimpy for letting me repost this here. I know you only slept for 6 hours for the past 3 days, but i'm so sure it was well worth it. I'll be waiting for the videos and photos. Meanwhile, hope you and khin will get some sleep. [but i still can see you guys in soompi... you're still in cloud ten as you guys keep on saying] ^^

Now tell me if you won't get giddy and envious of her account.

shrimpy wrote...

That was the highlight of my trip to the story goes like this. This is my second time meeting him (the first time was on Friday when he was going up the hotel escalator). KHJ was near the shuttle bus and I was right behind him. He went into the bus and I was standing at the bus entrance and called to him "Hello Kim Hyun Joong ssi ". It caught his attention and he turned around while getting up to the bus. I then stretched my hand out and said "Here is a little something for you" and I handed to him a small token gift (an alien phone strap thingy that I bought at Korean Town in LA). Well, because the gift was small, when he quickly grabbed the gift, he touched my hand by accident. Then he took a small bow/nodded of his head saying thank you and smiled. Then I saw him looked at my gift and he had the funniest puzzled look on his face when he first glanced at the "alien". It was like him saying "what the heck is this?" then he made a slight smirk smile realizing what it was. It was really cute! Then I saw him put the gift in his pocket. Next, he sat down in the very first seat in the bus and I was waving right at him. He saw me and waved back and gave me the sweetest smile ( i will show pics of that later). And that point, I seriously thought I have died and went to heaven. So, he is sitting there for a good few minutes and I'm still waving and taking pics of him and suddenly this lady (one of his staff) goes into the bus and they talk and realized that he have to get out of the bus and go to the car instead. So since I was standing right in front of the bus entrance, I saw him walking down the steps of the bus right in front of me! AcK! I had to move and let him pass. He was so closed to me...almost touching. So, now he goes into the black car and sit himself at the passenger seat. And the windows were rolled down! So, I took a pic which is within a few feet from was so close! His manager then closed the windows stopping all autograph signing. So, here he is sitting in the front seat and I am waving at him again and he smiled again! *die and went to heaven again* I will show vid of that. finally, they drove off heading to the HB for rehearsal. I was so done for at this moment. I can't even express in words how happy and excited I mind was in lala land....all mumbled jumbled. My aunt who was there with me also took some pics and she thought I was going to pass out. I will post some of the pics she took too. Seeing KHJ in person ...all I can say is WOW!!!!! BEAUTIFUL! HOT!!!! And with him wearing those heart basically STOPPED! He looked really good and refresh that day which made me relieved also. Everything happened so fast but I could remembered everything. Simply an amazing experience!

Then the next day (Sunday) in the morning, Khin, J-Pooh, my aunt and I saw him coming out of the elevator. He had no make up on and his hair was so natural...semi parted in the middle and he had just shower and didn't comb it. He was wearing like black sweats and seemed like he just woke up. Then a few minutes later we saw the other membrs of SS501 coming out too.

So, I ended my wonderful weekend seeing all of SS501.

I'm still in cloud ten or whatever I'm in...I will post pics & vods patient with me....


Here are the photos that shrimpy took that she posted on khj thread @ soompi with her notes ^^

KHJ about to sit (inside the bus)...look at his long neck

KHJ waving and smiling right at me when I waved at him...
thought I died and went to heaven here

This is how close I [shrimpy] got to him...
his face is soo nice & clear in person

Off they go to HB....


  1. you are sooooooo lucky, juz reading your experience make me teary eyed....but im so happy for you.

    i will w8 for the pics and vids.



  2. Anonymous8:45 PM

    you are so lucky, i wanna see him so much too!

    what does hyun joong look like without makeup?

  3. Hi Shrimpy,

    May be I should join you in HB 2010if you don't mind. :)Haha!!

    Thanks so much to you and other
    S501 fans for sharing their pictures and videos.


  4. Hi LOUIELA! Isn't shrimpy one of the luckiest ladies in LA?

    I'll let her know that you're happy for her and made you envious.


  5. Hello Anonymous!

    Yup shrimpy is so so lucky!

    According to shrimpy he's gorgeous even without make up. Actually she'd seen them, all SS501, the following morning at the hotel lobby. and she said amongst the five it seems that Hyun Joong was the only one who looks like he just woke up, taken a shower and hair is a bit messy but still looking adorable.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Maria!

    Do you know that shrimpy just only got to like KHJ recently and this is her first time to see him in person not only once but three times?

    Hee, if SS501 will be in 2010 HB I'm considering of going as well. Seems like it's easier to get near them in the US than in Korea. lately. ^^

    Btw guys, just to clarify one thing... I'm not shrimpy ^^...shrimpy is a friend from soompi. she's a byj fan first before becoming a khj fan. ^^ thanks to WGM^^


  8. Anonymous8:42 PM

    thank you liezle for writing back! :) love hyun joong!

  9. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Hi hi sis Liezle...I was just checking your blog randomly and saw my post here..hehe! I'll say it of the most unbelievable/unforgettable experience of my life! Now, only if I could meet BYJ ;)Then I'll really go crazy!
