
Monday, May 11, 2009

So Ji Sub no longer with BOF

So Ji Sub's contract with BOF will end this May 18. Ji Sub was contracted by Boundaries of Forest[BOF] in December 2005 while he was still serving in the military.

There has been news lately about So Ji Sub's contract expiring but no words came out from either BOF nor Ji Sub until today. Though news about Ji Sub putting up his own agency together with best buddy Song Seung Hun still remains to be rumor.

Today BOF put a notice on So Ji Sub official korean website that BOF is managing and announced the following [thanks to haiyingqin for posting on SJS thread @ soompi] :


We feel sorry but we have to give notice about the website closure.
First of all, we appreciate your love and sincere interest
about Sojisub's activity
and this website,
This website has been a precious space, in which Sojisub
and a lot of fans communicate
with each other so far
since we opened it with start of a teaser site in Dec, 2005.

However, according to the expiration of the contract between Sojisub
and BOF,
the administration right of the website became over, too.
Therefore, it is scheduled to close all the services of from May 18.
Please be informed the contents below to avoid any inconvenience.

※when: May 18, 2009
※what: closure of all the services in

We have been so happy with you sharing pleasure
and good news about
Sojisub with you in this site.
We feel so sorry about the closure, but we will hope
and expect
his success as we have been.
We would like to say 'thank you' to you once again.
Have a great spring and summer.

Best regards,



I've seen it coming and honestly I'm not sad about him leaving BOF. Here let me share what I've posted in So Ji Sub thread @ soompi.

i think i was the happiest person when BOF signed SJS back in 2005 [imagine BYJ and SJS in under one roof] . I still remember how happy I was then. I think that Ji Sub's stint with BOF has been fruitful though others may think otherwise. Though he didn't have major projects right after he left the military, BOF however made sure that he'll be visible in prints and other media. He had done many CFs/endorsements, been cover of many magazines, had activities in Japan, made a movie in Japan, China and Korea and drama. He even released his own digital song and MV.

When he transferred to BOF in 2005 he brought with him some of his managers from his previous agency. So Ji Sub even said in an interview that it had been a long wait [for a drama project] but it was worth it. He may have changed his style [which others may not like] but i believe it was all part to further his career. And I believe many of us weren't disappointed.

There's been talk that he will put up his agency together with his best buddy Song Seung Hun. This has been the trend in Korea lately. I wish him and SSH the best of luck. I'm pretty sure that they'll be getting tips from their hyeong who I think has been looked up to by others as a role model [BOF consists of young and dynamic team] when forming their own agency.

With SJS no longer with BOF, I am still be giving him my 100% support. I've been his fan even before he came to BOF.



  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I like his acting , best wish to SJS
    in the future , i hope seeing him again really soon in another drama as interesting as C&A .

  2. cathy3:08 AM

    good luck SJS , i always support you .
