
Sunday, May 31, 2009

SS501 Arriving in Hawaii

I reported earlier that someone mentioned that only Leader was able to get a garland but in this video Baby has several garlands on him.

thanks to macsnooder808 for the upload
and feissy for the tip on khj thread @ soompi

I've heard some nasty comments about SS501 managers, I wonder how the boys are taking this. I really think managers should be a little more considerate when SS501 or other stars go to other countries. It's not everyday that these fans see their idol in person. In this video, I really think that the manager should have let the fan give the lei to Leader since he seems ready to accept it. But it's clear that the manager shove the fan.


  1. the rude guy, i dont think that is their manager. u can see their manager cleary @0.38min.

  2. hello xa! could he be one of the security aides? still, he should not have shoved here.

    hey, thanks for dropping by. ^^


  3. could be. not sure who but definitely not their manager hyung :D (not sure why i tried to clear the bad-repo image of the manager hyung. im sorry. haha.. )

    nway, i've visiting your blog on daily basis now. so keep up your good work on updating various and up to date news about KHJ and SS501.

  4. I live in Hawaii and giving a lei is a sincerest way to welcome a guest. That guy should have let the fan give the lei. Could've slapped him. KHJ seemed like he would have accepted. Manager or not, this jerk should wise up on his manners.

  5. this situation is not new ahaha xD

    we can clearly see circumstances like this happen in any of their pub appearances...

    even the artist themselves are very appreciative towards the fans the securities are the ones being mean or acting rude.

    like Jung Min even though he's very polite towards the fan the security are really the one shoving them.

