
Thursday, May 07, 2009

SS501 in LA! [photos added]

And khin_myint is still in cloudnine!

Yee, thanks for the tip ^^ I logged off early that usual last night and missed the post of khin by a few minutes. The first thing I saw and read on my email today was yours then I hurriedly went to KHJ thread @ soompi to check the photos.

Wow...khin is so lucky this time [she wasn't so lucky when So Ji Sub and Bae Yong Joon was in LA and NY last year but she did talked to the person who managed to give service to Yong Joon in RA Beauty Core in LA]

So much for talking, I'm shoving here photos that khin took at LAX with the help of shrimpy for posting in KHJ thread @ soompi. khin and shrimpy will also be attending the Hollywood Bowl this coming Saturday!

Btw, according the khin, it was prohibited to take photos but still she did managed to get some.

Jung Min in mask. Is that Kyu Jong beside him?

I guess some a fan managed to get his autograph.

Hee, seems the boys expensive luggage/bags are in cellophane. ^^

Young Saeng.

According to khin, Hyun Joong is so skinny and looking very tired.
But she added that he looks mightyly handsome in person.

Here are more photos taken from SS601. This time with Kim Hyung Joon. ^^

Leader's backview.

Here's Baby in his new hair.

Kyu Jong and Jong Min.


  1. Really appreciate for all these updated photos. I always visit your site to read SS501's news everynight. Thanks for sharing!!
    Actually I am not familiar with any Korean Band until 2 month's ago when I heard the song "I'm stupid" and was attracted by these 5 young boys.

    Wishing the crew can come to Toronto for their performance in the future.

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I agree with Maria that you are doing a great job on updating the news of SS501 and KHJ. My friends and I are just getting to know these Korean actors and singers recently after watching Boys Before Flowers on internet. I was born and grew up in U.S. but I found these Korean singers are amazing. Thank you for your postings.

  3. Hello Maria and thanks for always dropping by. It makes me happy to read that visitors appreciate my blog.

    Actually I blog not only SS501 but my other favorite Korean stars as well particularly Bae Yong Joon. But since there's not much lately about him and I decided to come out of my shell after being a fan of SS501 since 2007 [but i've known them since 2006 and almost saw them doing Youngstreet when I was in Seoul in 2006]. ^^

    I hope you've heard their other songs and have seen their concerts. Their so fun to watch.

    Thanks again.



  4. Hi there Anonymous thanks for appreciating as well.

    They're just adorable, right? How can one not like them. Hope you've watch their other videos in Youtube. Their so wacky in their performances and tv guestings. And so talented and enjoyable to watch in their concerts.

    Much thanks again!

