
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

[Videos] KHJ in motion at the Wilshire Hotel

This is the last part of shrimpy’s account that she posted on KHJ thread @ soompi. These are the videos that she took at Wilshire.

Btw, I’m NOT shrimpy. ^^ shrimpy is a friend from soompi. I’m just shoving here her story of meeting Kim Hyun Joong for the very first time.

Again, much thanks dear shrimpy. Like I said to you yesterday, pass me you your luck when it's my time to see SS501. ^^


Here’s last part of shrimpy’s account.

KHJ in motion at the Wilshire Hotel *melts*faints*collapsed* Enjoy! Sorry, if it is not too clear or if it is shakey...I was sooo nervous and trying to focus on him without collapsing. I felt my heart throbbing out of my chest. And on one of them, you can hear me and my aunt saying "I'm dying" a lot in one of them...hehe!

1. KHJ & two other ss501 members (Jung Min & Young Saeng) going down the elevator and everyone going after them (me will see my black shoes running at the end of the video). I never run as fast before but when it comes to this, I was able to catch up to him. KHJ is in front of the lady in blue.
KHJ Wilshire Hotel 05-09-09 [Fancam1]

2. You will noticed he gave a quick small smile at 00:49 after me saying "Annyonghaseyo" & waving at him again...all I can say is OMG OMG...went to heaven 2nd time. And look how cute he is fixing his hair...OMG OMG!
KHJ Wilshire Hotel 05-09-09 [Fancam2]

3. Short vid of KHJ just sitting in the car looking HOT!
KHJ Wilshire Hotel 05-09-09 [Fancam3]

4. KHJ waving again and looking hot even drinking water. My aunt thought he look so young and all I can say is ''I'm dying" here. I'm surprised I didn't collapsed already.
KHJ Wilshire Hotel 05-09-09 [Fancam4]

1 comment:

  1. hihi...
    nice to meet you....
    thanks for all the KHJ news~
