
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yet another news about BYJ's stocks

Bae Yong Joon richest celebrity in Korea

Besides the usual performance and endorsement deals, many artistes are also likely to invest. According to Korea media reports, actor Bae Yong Joon is currently the richest South Korean celebrity.

With the rebound of the Korean stock market this year, celebrities who dabbled in the stock market benefitted significantly in terms of wealth. According to Korean media reports, there are currently five South Korean celebrities with stocks worth over 1 billion won (about S$1.16million); among them is Bae, who owns the largest portion, 34.8%, of the shares in Korean listed company KeyEast.

As compared to the first trading day of this year, KeyEast's share price has soared by over 50 percent with Bae earning about 6 billion won (about S$7 million) from it, making him into the richest South Korean celebrity at present.

Second in line is the entertainment company [liezle : SM Ent w/ Lee Soo Mas as Pres] which manages the famous South Korean boy band Tohoshinki. Third is Asian superstar Rain, who owns 13.36% of the shares of J.Tune Entertainment, which shares have hit a market price of 3.6 billion won (S$4.3million).


The article is somewhat confusing. As the title says richest Korean entertainer when I think it should have probably been biggest shareholder since until anyone of them sell their stocks, it will only be then we'll know how much these personalities profit are. For the meantime, it's just paper gain

Anyway, to add more details on this article. It was reported in another news that I blogged earlier that BYJ's stock value now is about 15 million dollars and Key East value about 50 mil dollars in a report ending March 31. KE's stock price increased more than 60% since January, while SM Entertainment recorded 88% increase.

The article above is actually referring to BYJ as the richest stockholder [liezle : not the richest celebrity in Korea suppose] in the entertainment industry followed by SM CEO Lee Soo Man.

But in terms of the percentage increase SM Ent has the biggest increase. That is why we read some few weeks ago that SM is no longer in the red.

1 comment:

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