
Monday, May 25, 2009

It's really not easy being a Bae Yong Joon fan

cam shared this wonderfully written post by xiaoyanl in BYJ's Quilt. Huge thanks cam and xiaoyanl!

I strongly believe that xiaoyanl is not alone in what she feels because I also feel the same way though i manage to make myself busy with other stuff. Actually many Baefans have already started complaining for the lack of news on Yong Joon. But for long time fans of Yong Joon, the case of him hiding is not already new just like xiaoyali wrote, but this is the longest time that he had stayed low profile.

Believe it or not being a BYJ fan is not easy. We've been tested time and again. Others go astray and never come back. Others go into hiding too whenever he's in recluse. Some managed to forget him and become a fan of other stars. But there are others who remain loyal and stay with him no matter how long it takes.

In my case, I know what kind of BYJ fan I am. And like xiaoyanl, though a bit sad, I'll be waiting and will manage since I know that Yong Joon will be back soon to give us pleasure.


cam wrote : I found this on baidu and would love to share it with everyone here at quilt. can you relate to the author?

[Trans] [Not completely suffering] Reclusive YJ
Original :
Repost : talkbox #56977 (in Chinese) by xiaoyanl
author : 裴莲儿 (2009-5-22 09:04)
Chinese to English : cam  

Recently someone from this website posted Mr Cai Kangyong’s famous diary . I try to reflect the article onto myself after reading it again. In the article it states: if you idolize a star, you must put it in writing – this I manage to do. It also states: if you idolize a star, you must let your mum know – this I manage to do (I did not just tell my mum, I even told my husband in a heat of the moment when I was not completely rational. Let’s put the seriously damaged consequences aside temporarily). It then states: if you idolize a star, you should go to see him in person – this I can’t manage to do, no matter how much I scratch my head to pieces, because my idol BYJ is in reclusion once more.

There has not been any news about YJ for a long while. Occasionally we get to hear that he has been to the library, the art museum, the dye factory and the salt mine to gather information and take photos. Often a few isolated words and phrases, at the most one or two blurred photos, in an attempt to provide a remedy for his fans’ lonely hearts.

It appears that reclusion is a convention for YJ. Like in the past, each time he finishes a project, he goes into hiding for a year or so. Wasn’t there a story about how after the peak of his drama “First Love” he was in reclusion for ten months? By the time he returned to the TV station, even the concierge at the entrance could not recognize him. This time around it has been over a year and a half, if we also count his recuperation from the injuries after TWSGG.

Although during this period, he made several magnificent appearances. In Japan twice, the MBC’s award ceremony twice, the ambassador of travel, the medal award presentation and the white tiger of TWSSG’s wedding. These appearances are far too little for his deserving fans that have been missing him deeply. Every time when the news about another wedding, we are like the nagging Ajima hoping he may turn up. But the end result is too often a no show amidst the crowd. No matter how disappointed his fans are. He stays far away like before, away from the aloofly noisy pla-ces and people. A recluse in his own world, leaving behind the soft clouds and light winds.

Honestly speaking, from this point of view, being a BYJ fan is really hard work. Recently I pop my head over to another popular star’s site (don’t kill me). This star is constantly appearing in public. He is promoting his new album straight after the TV drama. His next project of another TV drama and a movie are waiting for him in the pipeline. His news is reported one after another. His website is boiling, postings such as,”I am going to see him”, “I have seen him”, “I just returned and haven’t got over from feeling dizzy after seeing him” are all over the place. Various activities, video, artwork are everywhere, until our eyes can’t take it anymore. His fans are over indulging in happiness. I was following the lead, but at the same time, when I think about YJ, my heart feels somewhat quite lonesome.

Occasionally I even feel a bit resentful: YJ a, YJ, loving you is not an easy task.

Back to being a bit resentful, but truly in my mind it was clear that YJ’s excellence and how he stands out from the crowd, are his most precious qualities.

In this world, there is fewer and fewer who would handle matters in the same manner as BYJ in the entertainment industry. We could say it is fairly unique. New stars, more intense competitions. It is hard to stay at the top. Maintaining public appearance and popularity is most important. Fame and fortune come hand in hand. Just a simple truth. But this truth would not hold up when it comes to BYJ.

Fame and fortune is not BYJ’s aim, although he has been successful when compared with others. Improving himself continuously, enriching himself continuously and pursing self perfection continuously, are the utmost boundary for BYJ.

Since his debut, he has been behaving this way. Although this kind of individualism does not go down well with the trends and could trouble him frequently. A junior dares not participate in variety shows, dares not to accept interviews, ignoring piles of script offers. Doesn’t buy into others. In turn, he recedes and went off on a self education journey. He paid no attention to the TV station’s freeze and the media’s criticism. He continued enriching himself quietly, polishing himself, preparing himself for “the act with restraint on the bases of extensive knowledge”. Until one day, when he returned with a graceful smile and confident steps, as powerful as a thunderbolt. Hence forth standing at the summit, pointing and smiling at the world.

But his reclusion has not changed, live simply by wisely, live tranquilly by remotely. YJ knows the essence of it deeply.

Actually, without his continuous pursuit of self perfection and self improvement, we would not have such an enriched and unusually refined BYJ. It was said that there are lights of wisdom in his eyes, where do they come from? It was also said that there is this noble aura in his movements, how did he possess them?

Answer :
always have a book in his hand
Erudited and received in deep knowledge
Indifferent to fame and fortune
Without desire is firm and uncompromising

He is a contemporary reclusive star. He is someone that I admire, love and praise sincerely from my heart.

YJ a

You, like the mountains are high and the rivers are far, I will look from here, far across the distance.
You, like the tree of love stay evergreen, I will accompany you forever, stay true.

YJ a

Continuing your joyful reclusion. I can manage… sob sob.

p.s. News about Yong Joon and Choi Ji Woo started dubbing for Winter Sonata Anime came out today. If you want to know more about Winter Sonata Anime you may click HERE.

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