
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another Young Saeng Pix Spazzzz

Who are getting giddy? I know a couple who are. ^_^

Here's another Young Saeng pix spaz. They were from the fanmeet in Taiwan. I lifted this from which was originally taken from

He's such a cutie. Geez, I want to pinch those checks. ^^


  1. Hey~Liezle! You are going the Fanmeeting at HK?
    If euu are,ii going to be damn envy of euu!! Btw,where are euu from?

  2. mel_12233:26 PM

    This will make Jen's day, Liezle! She'll be the one to turn dead now, instead of me lol!

    Have fun in HK! Now you made me really want to attend their concerts there too, besides the Msia and Sg ones which I am already planning to go to!


  3. wen06073:37 PM

    Haha~ ya~ right mel!^^
    Jen's favourites~ :P

    I wonder has she seen these photos?
    How come no comments from her?
    hahaha~~ :P

    Liezle, you must be counting down the time from now on.....
    Envy you and dun forget to help us to relay messages to SS501's manager, asking them to come to Singapore & Malaysia^^

    (Just kidding...better dun stress you)

  4. Hello Miko! You guessed it right. ^^
    I'm from the Philippines.

    Thanks for dropping by.


  5. mel, i just made another kyu spazzzz for jen and for all those who like kyu. ^^


  6. wen, don't worry i'll surely send your message to one of them. ^^

