
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Anyone interested to attend?

Yes, anyone interested to attend the PERSONA Concert of SS501 in Seoul on Aug 1 or 2?

I got this information from Quiante501 as posted by xiaochu. Geez, this is so tempting!!!

xiaochu wrote ~

BTW, for anyone else who still wants to get a ticket...
No I dont know how to read thai...but

Standing = 4,500 baht
R seats = 4,500 baht
S seats = 4,000 baht

U have to pay a one-time 1,000 baht administrative fee

But the ticket amount already includes international postage fee (That's what I understood when I emailed them, but I mentioned that I'm from Singapore, i dont know if they'd charge more if u're living in a country further away)
Deadline for booking is 28-Jun

Email them to check it out!! [liezle : go guys check it out!]

btw, xiaochu is going!!!


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    hey liezle!
    erm, will SS501 be coming to singapore for their concert? Just asking ^^
    btw, where are you from? your english is very good!

  2. Hello amanda! According the the articles that I've been reading Singapore has been mentioned together with HK, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan. Though we're not really sure if those reports are 100% accurate. Let's wait for the final annoucement coming for DSP.

    Honestly, i'm also waiting for the official list of countries they will be holding thier concerts because I might just be able to attend one.

    Btw, my English is very basic. I'm from the Philippines. ^^


  3. wen06076:00 PM

    Wow...liezle, you are from philippines^^

    I also hope the concert in Singapore will be confirmed soon!
    I wanna see them in December ^^


  4. Anonymous6:02 PM

    thanks! :D I'm hoping that they'll have a concert in Singapore. As I'm currently a student, I can't afford to fly to korea during the weekends to attend their concert. and as most of their websites are in korean, I can't really read them. so I have very limited info of them. thanks so much! (:
    ohh, btw I'm from Singapore ^^


  5. Anonymous6:03 PM

    oh, wen you're from singapore too? I read one of your previous comments before. are you a student?


  6. wen, December is the 'date' that I read that SS501 will be in Singapore. But then just like what I wrote earlier, let's wait for DSP's official announcement which I hope will be soon.


  7. hello again amanda!

    geez, so many singaporeans are falling to the charms of SS501! Use you powers ladies... write to DSP! ^^


  8. Spring8:46 PM

    yes..realize there is a lot fans in s'pore.. but s'pore seem very quiet on their album promotion and news.. hope DSP will not forget market in s'pore...

    btw, Thanks liezle..i always check yr blog too.. just that i seldom leave a note here.. yr blog is very up to date and a lot of their news.. thanks for yr effort..=)

  9. wen06078:49 PM

    Liezle, BOF is currently showing on our local channel U every Sat, 9.30pm^^
    That's why you can see many singaporeans got attracted by jihoo...haha...including myself^^

    Amanda, nice to meet you too^^
    Yup~ I'm from singapore^^
    If you like SS501, feel free to join the SG fanclub!^^
    They are recruiting members now~ >.<

