
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

'Beauty of Korea' is set to be launched!

When it rains it pours! And this is what's happening now in BYJ Community.

After the news and new photos of Yong Joon come another news. This time with regard to the book that his going to publish tentatively title 'Beauty of Korea'.

It's been announced by Digital Adventure that it will be lauched on September 30, 2009 at Tokyo Dome! Could Yong Joon be there?

If yes, I want to come but I don't think that I can go since I'll be going to Seoul in October and next week I'm out of the country too.

Here's the annoucement from Japanese Official Board [JOB]


  1. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Thank you, LIezle. I cannot wait for the release of the book. Please let us know the details on how we can order.

  2. Hi Anonymous! Me too, cant' wait for the release of the book. I hope that it won't be that expensive.^^

    I'll surely share details of the book when it is out.

