
Monday, June 08, 2009

He fainted again?!

Sigh... it's the third time this year. =(

I read in soompi that Hyun Joong didn't board the plane going to Bangkok. It was said that he has high fever and fainted this morning and was brought to the hospital.

DSP hasn't released any statement to date. There's also a rumor going around that his grandmother is in critical condition. I hope it's not true.

I wish that DSP will give us news about Hyun Joong. He's already overworked and yet still thinking of his sick grandmother.

No wonder I didn't see any news about the boys in Bangkok. I wonder too if they boys went ahead. The trip to Bangkok was canceled.

Geez, I want news! And please DSP give the boys some break especially Leader.


  1. most of his fans now are super upset.. so am I...

    really can't wait for the latest news.

    The news i got from DSP Thailand official site, said that he had high fever and lose consciousness...

    It's a heartbreaking news!

  2. Hi SimplyJen. No news is good news.

    I hope that Hyun Joong is sleeping right now and will be given by DSP some time to rest.

    I hope the rumor about his grandmother is just a rumor and nothing more.


  3. Yeah... Hope he rest well before continue on his work..

    Agree, the grandma news is nothing all rumors. And hope people stop spreading rumors before they get the official news.

  4. Hi again SimplyJen.

    I hope that DSP will realize that it'll be more costly for them if the boys health will keep on deteriorating as the day of the big events get nearer.

    I pray that DSP will listen to the fans and will take some measures and give the boys a break even once a week just to regain their strength.

    Btw, i read that before they went to Hawaii, even Lee Min Ho was kinda worried about Hyun Joong's health. Min Ho said that he's even thinner than before and that he's afraid of Hyun Joong that he might just collapse anytime. Leader said because they've been working hard because of the MV and that he hadn't had any sleep for 3 days.

    That talk happened days before May ends. Then they went to Hawaii on the 31st and came back on the 4th. Then they probably had a lot of practice to do and their sked is just crazy.

    Sigh again...


  5. Hi liezle,

    Yeah true... here they came back from Hawaii, here they have other events going around.

    Even I saw Baby Hj on Music High with YoungSaeng, he can't stop yawning throughout the 1 hour of recording. Their eye bags are like so heavy.

    Just hope these boys get a good rest for the upcoming event. As a fan, I wish they get enough rest before they start their Asia tour. Wouldn't want to hear any news or seeing them collapse on stage... We want only good news.

    Is so upsetting while we have to sit here and wait for the news on how is their conditions...



  6. It's sad to hear the leader was hospitalized again. God bless KHJ & his grandmother to get the quick recovery soon.

    Why DSP is so mean? The company should show their mercy and take good care of the boys' health as the first priority. I feel sorry for what they've been treated like the machine.

  7. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Don't think it's all DSP fault. Leader himself also want to rest. Knowing his character, he probably doesn't want to let his team and fans down, so despite being tired and lack of sleep, he still want to do everything for his teammates and fans. I think we as fans must send a strong message to Hyun Joong that the best thing he can do for us right now is to get lots of rest. That's what we want from him so that we don't have to worry about his health. Do you agree?

  8. SimplyJen,

    still there's no word from DSP. i think they should give fans some updates.


  9. Hi Maria!

    DSP is so mean?! Ha! read this...

    "SS501 (DSP Entertainment)
    In these 2 month April and May, Korea Fair Trade Commission had been reviewing 230 artists’ contracts in these 20 entertainment companies. They found out that a significant portion of the contract includes very unequal terms.

    Example of unequal terms:

    * If the artist would to go aboard, the company needs to approve
    * The artist have to follow the instructions given by the company
    * The company and their agent reserved the right to sign and amend the contract
    * No performance activities should be end without the permissions from the company

    * Artists cannot engage on the relevant occupation after the contract had end or canceled"

    I found this in an article shared in soompi regarding 'Korea Fair Trade Commission once again clamps down on entertainment companies ‘Slavery Contract’ terms"

    DSP is amongst the companies that offers slavery. Other companies are :

    * IJ Entertainment
    * Peace Entertainment
    * YG Entertainment
    * DY Entertainment
    * Barunson Entertainment
    * HUMANE Entertainment
    * Story Entertainment
    * Sim Entertainment
    * GTB Entertainment
    * Summer Entertainment
    * Fan Entertainment
    * DSP Entertainment
    * 101 Entertainment
    * STAR-K Entertainment
    * Mentor Entertainment
    * BHE Entertainment
    * Oracle Entertainment

    Poor boys... I can only sigh...


  10. Hello Anonymous.

    Actually Leader is known to be stubborn and he won't stop unless he's sick. Which we all know is crazy. But I believe that his manager/s should give him the proper guidance, if they know that he's been working too hard and see that his health is deteriorating, they should ORDER him to take a rest no matter what.

    Hyun Joong loves to please everyone around him to the point of sacrificing his health. Someone really has to stop him and the person who can do that are those who are always with him arranging his schedule.


  11. omg..please give them enough rest..
    eventhought i wanna see them everyday..(heheh..)but i just hope they didn't got sick..poor leader..
    get well soon..hyun joong fighting!!
