
Monday, June 29, 2009

Having fun on stage with SS501

Okay I don't have any idea what is going on here. If there's anyone who can give us any idea what the guys are doing please please let us know. They sure look like having a great time.

Videos lifted from

Edit : A very kind Anonymous visitor shared this brief translation on the reply box. [Hi Anonymous, hope you'll give us your nick. Thanks again]. PeiWenn shared also a summary. Thanks too! You guys are just wonderful! ^^

Basically the members were asked to rank each other based on a specific question asked.
(1st to 5th position - from right to left)

First video:

Young Saeng is asked to rank the members according to the question "Who loves using the mirror"?

1st: Hyung Jun
2nd: Jung Min
3rd: Young Saeng
4th: Hyun Joong
5th: Kyu Jong

The members were then asked to guess the question since they dont know the question as it was only told to Young Saeng.

Kyu Jong guesses: "Who is the best in socializing?"

The host then says that Kyu Jong meant that he can't socialize. LOLS.

Jung Min guesses: "The one that is the most impolite within the group?" (That means he ain't very polite too. haha XD)

Finally,Jung Min guesses it corectly.

Second Video:

Hyung Jun is asked to rank the members according to the question "Who is the stingiest among members?"

1st: Hyung Jun
2nd: Jung Min
3rd: Young Saeng
4th: Kyu Jong
5th: Hyun Joong

They try to guess the question again.

Hyun Joong guesses: "Who has the lowest IQ?" LOLS

Jung Min guesses: "According to age?"

Fans hint to Jung Min and he gets the question correct again.

The host reaffirms the answer and asks Hyun Joong about his generousity towards money.

Can't hear clearly with regards to Hyun Joong's reply but the intepretor seems to be saying something about how Hyun Joong usually offers treats without hesitation. :)

Hyun Joong is then asked to rank the members according to the question "If you were a girl, who would you date?"

1st: Young Saeng
2nd: Kyu Jong
3rd: Hyun Joong
4th: Jung Min
5th: Hyung Jun

Hyun Joong guesses that the members will be able to guess the correct question.

Not sure about this part onwards -
Jung Min guesses that the question was " Even when he's broke, he will still continue loving women as much."
Then they said something about Hyung Jun should be first. *I think so*

So, eventually Hyun Joong just tells them the correct question.
Young Saeng wins!

Third video :

Jung Min is asked to rank the members according to the question : "Who posseses the starkest differences between them on and off stage?"

The host claims that Jung Min seems to be playing the postion of a class head by arranging the members.

1st: Hyung Jun
2nd: Young Saeng
3rd: Kyu Jong
4th: Hyun Joong
5th: Jung Min

Hyung Jun guesses: "The friendliest one?"
*Jung Min attempts to box him* LOLS

Kyu Jong guesses: "The stingiest one?"

The host asks Jung Min to tell them the question, and Jung Min realises that he doesnt remember the question. . .

Cant hear clearly what the inteprtator says after Jung Min declares the correct question.
*Something about Hyung Jun being absurd?*


  1. OMG! so cute! HAHAHA

    hmm. actually i could hardly hear much of what they were saying, but roughly for the first video, saeng was arranging themselves according to who's the vainest - as in likes to look at the mirror most. haha.

    i am not sure if the right side from our view the vainest or the other way round:)

  2. 2nd video asks leader this question: if i am a girl, who in ss501 would i want to date most?
    and leader arranged accordingly. so now i know the right from our view is the Most something.
    that means leader want to date saeng most! HAHAHA

    also has question on who is the pettiest.

    3rd video asks min to pick who has the biggest difference on-screen and off-screen. And u know, he would sure to pick baby. HAHAH. many tom and jerry moments. He even put himself as the lowest- least difference. AHAHAH.

    oh how i wish i could be there. pls come here fast! HAHA.

  3. wen06078:57 PM

    Oh! Liezle, I think you are getting excited now right?
    Cos you are going to HK very soon..
    Counting down now, aren't you? hehe^^

    I really hope SS501 can come to Singapore and of cuz Malaysia fans are also waiting for their visit!

  4. PeiWenn, thank you so much!!! I was giggling at the video when I first saw it even without understanding a bit. Now I'm re-watching them again and I'm laughing! They're so cute and adorable!!!!

    Damn! Damn! Damn!


  5. Anonymous9:07 PM

    A more detailed explanation. :D
    Basically the members were asked to rank each other based on a specific question asked.
    (1st to 5th position - from right to left)

    First video:
    Young Saeng is asked to rank the members according to the question "Who loves using the mirror"?

    1st: Hyung Jun
    2nd: Jung Min
    3rd: Young Saeng
    4th: Hyun Joong
    5th: Kyu Jong

    The members were then asked to guess the question since they dont know the question as it was only told to Young Saeng.

    Kyu Jong guesses: "Who is the best in socializing?"

    The host then says that Kyu Jong meant that he can't socialize. LOLS.

    Jung Min guesses: "The one that is the most impolite within the group?" (That means he ain't very polite too. haha XD)

    Finally,Jung Min guesses it corectly.

    Second Video:
    Hyung Jun is asked to rank the members according to the question "Who is the stingiest among members?"

    1st: Hyung Jun
    2nd: Jung Min
    3rd: Young Saeng
    4th: Kyu Jong
    5th: Hyun Joong

    They try to guess the question again.

    Hyun Joong guesses: "Who has the lowest IQ?" LOLS

    Jung Min guesses: "According to age?"

    Fans hint to Jung Min and he gets the question correct again.

    The host reaffirms the answer and asks Hyun Joong about his generousity towards money.

    Can't hear clearly with regards to Hyun Joong's reply but the intepretor seems to be saying something about how Hyun Joong usually offers treats without hesitation. :)

    Hyun Joong is then asked to rank the members according to the question "If you were a girl, who would you date?"

    1st: Young Saeng
    2nd: Kyu Jong
    3rd: Hyun Joong
    4th: Jung Min
    5th: Hyung Jun

    Hyun Joong guesses that the members will be able to guess the correct question.

    Not sure about this part onwards -
    Jung Min guesses that the question was " Even when he's broke, he will still continue loving women as much."
    Then they said something about Hyung Jun should be first. *I think so*

    So, eventually Hyun Joong just tells them the correct question.
    Young Saeng wins!

    Last video:
    Jung Min is asked to rank the members according to the question : "Who posseses the starkest differences between them on and off stage?"

    The host claims that Jung Min seems to be playing the postion of a class head by arranging the members.

    1st: Hyung Jun
    2nd: Young Saeng
    3rd: Kyu Jong
    4th: Hyun Joong
    5th: Jung Min

    Hyung Jun guesses: "The friendliest one?"
    *Jung Min attempts to box him* LOLS

    Kyu Jong guesses: "The stingiest one?"

    The host asks Jung Min to tell them the question, and Jung Min realises that he doesnt remember the question. . .

    Cant hear clearly what the inteprtator says after Jung Min declares the correct question.
    *Something about Hyung Jun being absurd?*

    Think that's about all to the video!
    Hope the interpretation was clear enough. :D

  6. Wen, you bet on it! I'm even more excited because I know some friends right not who are at the airport waiting for them!

    Do you know if there are lot of fans at the airport in HK?

    Please please let me know. My friend is asking.


    p.s. and does anyone know where they're staying in HK?

  7. Anonymous, you're wonderful too!!!

    Thank you thank you thank you!


  8. Anon:
    Your explanation was clear for me too!
    Too bad my english isnt as good.
    I could only roughly pick up some. But thanks for yours anyway!:)
    Now I know what i missed and it made the whole thing more understood.

  9. J_Girl9:58 PM

    WOW HUGE thanks for all these links and SMOKIN HOT pics of Leader!! He's finally looking like himself again with those biceps!!

    HAVE FUN in HK!! GAHH! I'm still so jealous of you!! Hope you get to take lots of pics and don't forget to fill us in with every little details!!

  10. spring11:09 PM

    Thanks so much Liezle and Anonymous..
    I have fun together with them too..
    love them more and more..

    Thanks again for sharing their fun moment..:)

  11. Gina :)11:52 PM

    hi! anonymous (a.k.a Gina) here.! you're welcome for the translation :D

    Gina XD

  12. Hey! thanks for these videos! it's realli hilarious! thanks lots :)

  13. Anonymous1:19 AM

    liezle and anon,

    thanks for sharing the vids and the translations!
    that was sooo hilarious!!
    i really hope SS will have any fan meet and concerts in SG or KL, anywhere near to indonesia :p
    i definitely fly there!


  14. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Hi there! I'm a fan from the Philippines ^_^

    It's really wonderful to see them as a group of five again :)) I really miss them having fun together (coz, there aren't many recent vids of them) , and i think they were able to enjoy themselves here.. I wish i was there too. ^^

    Thank you very much for sharing these videos ^_^

    God bless you and SS501. ^_^

  15. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Wahh.. that was so cutee.. XD especially Leader's part..
    the crowd was really squealing when he first picked HJB but
    then laughed when he placed him last.. XD and how can i forget the part when JM and HJB were "upset" at leader, then leader backed away and kyu jong suddenly confronting them while smiling/laughing.. ahh so cutee..

    Thank you for the video!!

    and thank you, Gina, for the translation. :D

  16. Anonymous12:55 PM

    i'm sorry to say that these translations are pretty incorrect. the questions are mostly correct, one of the answers to the question was wrong. and the people who were interviewed are all wrong.. when they ask hyung jun it says hyun joong and when they ask hyun joong it says jung min...

    but good try... BUT theres already vids uploaded on youtube that are subbed
