
Friday, June 26, 2009

Heo Young Saeng on MTV [without trans]

The last member of SS501's MTV interview is on YT!

We now get to hear Young Saeng!

Okay, no translation yet ^^ since I think that this video clip just finished a few minutes ago. ^^ Let's wait more for a few hours.

Thanks to leekiwio211 for posting 0n YT.

If you missed the MTV interview of the other members, just click on their name and you'll be directed to it. ^^

Kim Hyun Joong
Kim Kyu Jong
Kim Hyung Joon
Park Jung Min


Tomorrow is the DAY for all SS501 fans in Taiwan! I'm pretty sure they're all excited. Their plane is expected to arrive at 11:05am. The fanmeet is on the following day, Sunday, June 28 at 7:30pm. About 3,000 fans are expected to attend. They'll be in Taiwan until the 29th they they'll be going to HK. I hope that everyone will be in good health.

Likewise, I hope that I won't get sick.... why? Because I'm going to HK to attend the fan meet with my friend! ^___^

I've my confirmation [fan meet ticket and plane since May] I was just silent about it until now. ^^ Though there are some who already know. ^^ Actually this trip is supposed to be a pleasure trip but since it coincides with the fanmeet this trip will surely be a super dooper pleasure trip. ^^

Anyone here attending the fanmeet in HK too?


  1. J_Girl4:06 AM

    LIEZLE!! WaHhhhh!! YOU LUCKY GIRL! Keeping silent all this time! Wow you must be THRILLED! I wish I could go to one of their fan actually get to shake their hands right?? Ahhh You get to touch them!! LOL ok I sound like a perv now..awww I'm happy for you!

  2. wen060710:22 AM

    Hey liezle

    Enjoy your meet up with them ^^
    Share with us more of your photos
    So good!!! Can shake hands with them! ^^

    Have a great time! >.<

  3. Hi Liezle,

    Fantastic!! What a good news to share! Is this your first time to meet 5 boys live in their fan meeting? Excited to shake hands with them? Hehehhehe.....

    Have a safe trip and enjoy your holidays. Please forward us more news & photos via your blog regarding your HK Trip and the meeting with those sexy boys.


  4. Hi Liezle, so you've finally got the ticket ?
    I'm very happy for you and waiting to hear from your trip report.
    Ah Liezle, seeing the boys up close (especially Hyun Joong) and shaking hand with them, wow !
    Have a safe trip and a very very lucky and joyful fanmeet Liezle !

  5. Hey J_Girl! You said it right girl, I'm thrilled... thrilled to he max.

    Yes, DSP said that we get to shake their hands and have photo with them. I hope I will not be fainting or won't trip on my way to them. ^^


  6. hey wen! not sure if we're allowed to bring camera, but we'll surely try our best.


  7. Hello Maria! I was supposed to see them in 2006 but something came up when I was in Seoul then. So only my friends got to see them. In Thailand when they had a concert i wasn't able to go with my friend due to work commitment. So this is the first time and hopefully not the last.

    I'll be bringing my notebook but not sure if I can give updates. But I will try my best.


  8. Camille! Yes we have them since a few days after it was announced. I'm so excited. Finally the 5 of them and yes especially Hyun Joong. ^^

    Btw, I might be meeting up with some friends. *wink*


  9. hey, i read up on the fan meeting details on the HK fansite. no cams allowed.

    and, when going on-stage(?) to take pics with the boys, fans are supposed to leave their bags (esp big ones) on the table or something before going up.

    so looks like it's going to be tough to have pics and clips flowing out from the event. not official ones anyway.

    for the group pics, seems like they will give the fans a link to a site for them to download their own group pics.

    hope ALL the girls going there have fun :p

    p.s. think the taiwan fan meeting should give fans more idea about how the HK one might be like :)

  10. wen06071:10 PM

    Wow..... can have chance to take group photos with them....not bad! hehe^^

    Envy you now~~ >.<
