
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

HJL & YS @ APMC rehearsals

For awhile, when the photo is slowly appearing I though that the one in black is Kyu Jong until I saw the skull on the shirt.

This was taken last Fridaly, June 19 during the rehearsals for the Asia Pacific Modeling Competition.

Btw, one Anonymous in this post said that she'd like to know more about Young Saeng but info about him is hard to get. I agree. Like what I said in my previous post lately the media like to report on Kim Hyun Joong as individual member and SS501 as a group. Anyway, just in case you didn't know yet, and i only read this info on SS501 thread @ soompi as shared by V A L X D, Young Saeng first trained under SM for the group Super Junior. The left SM to audition for DSP. I know that he left SM but I didn't know that he was training for SuJu then.

Hee, I also like SuJu but I like SS501 better [isn't it obvious?]. Honestly, I can't picture Young Saeng as a member of SuJu. I think he fits perfectly with SS501.

photos lifted from
original credit on the label


  1. Hi Liezle,

    Yeah, I also been digging up and down for more on YoungSaeng, I really like his charming voice that kills whenever he sings.

    The way he sing the high notes.. the way he sing love, sad song.. is full of emotion.

    I'm glad he is with SS501...
    He fits well in there...without him, I dun think ss501 will be this great. SS501 forever as 1


  2. Oh ya..thanks for sharing..
    Appreciate it...


  3. Anonymous8:08 PM

    You do a great job on your posts :)
    I always come here to get new updates on SS501. You're very fast too (on posting new things)...
    Thanks for all the info !!!
    :) Yara

  4. Hi Liezle,

    I think you may have gotten the month mixed up for this post - should be June right? And Saturday instead of Sunday?

    Me think you got too excited with YJ's event in September...:) Hehehe...

  5. Hello Jen [you're the 2nd who visits me often] and thanks for dropping by.

    I agree with what you all said about Young Saeng. Amongst the members I believe that he has the most beautiful voice.


  6. Hello Yara and thanks for the nice words. Fast? Thanks to all those who are sharing them tirelessly. This is my way of sharing SS501 to the world.


  7. oh Kadd, thank you for correcting me. My dates are all mixed up.

    I'll go and correct my post. ^^


  8. btw Kadd, the rehearsal was Friday, June 19. ^^

    @_@ ~liezle

  9. It's my pleasure.
    I really marvel your resourcefulness in getting the latest and updated info on BYJ or SS501...especially on KHJ!

    Yours and BB's blogs have been my daily source of vitamins...hahaha!
