
Monday, June 22, 2009

HQ Photos from DSP

Here are the photos that were released today by DSP together. At least they're able to somehow ease the disappointment of some. ^^

Well, though I understand that they've to earn to be able to make good music at least they should have let also the English speaking fans about it. [I wonder if the koreans know about it as well?]

Anyway... like I mention for the nth time, they are hot. Can't wait to see the video. I'm certain that they're sizzling hot in action. ^^

Haven't seen any links yet though I'm crossing my fingers that i'll be able to come across with one later.

Edit : Now I've seen the video 5 times ^^ I'll be now adding caption to each photos.

The story seems to be complicated and I think that it does not only involves the girl. It looks like there is a twist to the story and I can't wait to see how hatred, revenge and love from the three main characters will be projected.

Kyu Jung points his guy to Jung Min while he aims his gun
to Hyun Joong
. Hyun Joong's nozzle is aimed at Kyu Jong.

Revenge seems to be in the eyes of Jung Min.

Hatred is all over the face of Hyun Joong.

Kyu Joong eyes is full of sadness.

When the girl opened the door of the car behind Kyu Jong,
he then pointed
the gun and walk near her.

Aiming at the girl with full hatred in his eyes.

Fierce looking Hyun Joong.

Checking out Jung Min.

Scary Hyun Joong aiming a gun at his laptop.

Waiting for Jung Min and his girl.

Happy Jung Min looking forward to seeing his girl.

Anticipating the meeting.

Waiting for Jung Min.

Hyun Joong... aiming.

Kyu Jong... aiming.

Aiming... Bang!

Hitting Jung Min.

Jung Min's girl was also hit.

Kyu Jong hit her.

Sadness all over Hyun Joong's face.

Unconscious Jung Min.

Hyun Joong in deep thoughts.

Mending the wound of the girl.

Preparing meal for the girl.

Young Saeng's powerful voice
make the MV more interesting.

This is the scene where the twist come. There's a man whom
Hyun Joong killed with a knife. Who could he be?
Jung Min was on the scene after the man was killed.

Next episode, Jung Min will wake up from being unconcious state
then will
make his revenge. Can't wait the confrontation
between the three main leads.


  1. J_Girl10:43 PM

    GAhhh! KHJ is looking DAMN SEXY in those makes you want to CRY! Especially him in that wife beater!! Too bad I'm at work and can't watch the video since it's blocked here..ugh stupid work! lol Thanks for sharing the pics. For some reason when I'm at work I can always view the pics here but can never see them on I'm always stalking your site! lol Hope you don't mind =)

  2. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Where is JM after HJ killed the guy with a knife? I dont see him..

  3. hi again J_Girl! he is DAMN HOT SEXY!

    thanks for always dropping by really appreciate it.

    btw, i know what you mean when you can't watch video that are being posted. i've the same problem as you though i was able to find a way to watch them. ^^


  4. hello Anonymous! Jung Min was at the stairs descending. You can see it at mark 3:46. But Hyun Joong already left the scene.

