
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hyun Joong attended 1st Min Ho's FanMeet [more photos added]

Just read that Hyun Joong attended Lee Mi Ho's1st fanmeet and birthday celebration this afternoon. Min Ho's fan meeting is entitled 'Minoz Happy Day Mini Concert' And it looks like Leader performed his news song 'Be Nice to me Please'.

Min Ho's birthday is actually tomorrow, June 22, but he celebrated it with his fans today.

Hyun Joong really look refreshed which I'm liking it so much.

Here are more photos from another portal.

Even T-Max attended. Geez, Hyun Joong changed costume. ^^

Here are more photos, this time it's the birthday boy Lee Min Ho. Btw, Min Ho sang. Click HERE to watch.

Kim Joon was there too to give support. Only Kim Bum is missing from F4.


  1. Hi Liezle,

    Thanks for sharing,
    Yeah.. agree.. happy to see his refreshed look. Looks like there's so fat back in his face..not as boney as previously.. He is hot with his new solo...

    Yeah, Kim Bum must be busy!

    Thank you again

  2. wen06077:17 AM

    Wow..... all the photos are so sharp and clear!^0^
    Always appreciate you for your kind sharing and first information^^

    HJ is so HOT & Sexy! hahaha~ :P

