
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Young Saeng & Leader @ Asia Pacific Super Modeling Contest

Oppssie... sorry I got so excited in posting this that I hit publish post right after i typed the title. ^^

Hot... sexy... gorgeous men in khaki!

After a few days of rest they all seems to be looking radiant again especial Hyun Joong.

This event that was recorded yesterday will be shown tonight in SBS as 12:00mn.

Here's the video lifted from hoonfami YT.



  1. Hi Liezle,

    Two weeks of resting and absent from the entertainment news.. And here they are here to dress to kill again, with those charming and refreshed look from 5 of them!

    Simple dressing by them already melted all their fans heart, and can't make them stop screaming for them!


  2. jen, the khaki colored suit look very good on them. like i said so maria above, i don't fancy light colored suit but the one the boys are wearing is an exception. they're sexy wearing them...period.

