
Monday, June 15, 2009

Jung Min Cracks Me Up ^__^

Saw this in KHJ thread @ soompi posted by ha-na-chan.

lol to Jung Min's cuteness. ^^

The caption reads...

Now I am giving exercise to my toes. You can see that I am healthy, right? But Hyun Joong look tired. That is bad… Our leader is tired.

Ahh... poor Hyun Joong. Whenever there is a chance he really tries to sleep even for a while.

Below photo was i believe taken from the same magazine as the above.

And this one is another photo taken from Hawaii when SS501 were there about 2 weeks ago.

I'm envious of his hair... so healthy.

edit : janisu, thanks for your reply. here let me share this part 1 and 2 of the boys discussing the photos from their Photo501. Thanks again to hoonfami's YT channel.

Young Saeng is the one mostly doing the talking though KHB, Kyu Jong and Jung Min give some remarks. But check out KHL, he's in his own world. ^^


  1. CUTE !!!!!!! jungmin.. hoho.. exercise his toes.. and hyunjoong stil sleepy with his world..

  2. Jungmin toes colored? heheeh
    It looks so pink.. hahaha.

    Poor HJ, sleeping like tat..hope he get a good rest last week.

  3. janisu11:08 PM

    this is from their photo501 picture book that they released last year..alot of really interesting photos like the one jung min took ^^

  4. hi lipher and welcome to my blog.

    hyun joong is such a sleepy head. i guess he's someone who sleeps easily when his head finds a good position. ^^

    jung min is cutesy but his footsie... hmm... :)


  5. hey there jen. ^^

    you've a sharp eye. didn't notice that his toes are pinkish and somehow dark on the sides... lol... hee but they're short. ^^


  6. hello janisu. ^^

    i just posted [actually added in my post] the video from hoonfami of the guys talking about the photos they've took and got published in their Photo501.


  7. J_Girl4:11 AM

    Hi Liezle! Do you happen to know when they filmed this discussion? Was it late or early last year?

  8. Hi J_Girl. The video was 2nd half of 2008 not sure though the exact month. I'll try and find it out later since I've limited access in the net where I'm at right now.


  9. ahahha i actually posted the same pics in khj thread at soompi...

    jung min really cracks me up.. thanks to all the articles about hyun joong i can relax now knowing he's okay.. i will repost some of your articles in soompi..hope its okay..i will give credit to quainte.!!!

  10. J_Girl9:44 PM

    Hi Liezle, no worries about the exact timing..I think it was filmed in late October around the end of WGM since his pinky nails are painted black and it was like that also in the first part of episode 37 of WGM.

    BTW, I totally LOVE LOVE your site! You're so quick with the updates!! Keep up the great work!!

  11. Hi J_Girl. ^^

    Yup I think so too that it was 4th quarter of last year.

    Btw, thanks for the compliment.

