
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kim Hyun Joong on MTV

I actually saw this last night but hesitated to post since there's no translation yet and the quality of the video is not that good. But I saw the video link posted by shirbogurl21 on SS501 thread @ soompi with her translation. So here it is.

and here's video with subs ^^ from hoonfami YT channel.

Here's translation ^^

Chinese to English translation by ShirBo a.ka. shirbugurl21
[thanks for giving me permission!]

Originally posted on shirbogurl21 YT channel

Host: We will introduce all the members one by one through individual interviews. The meaning of SS501 is Singer and Superstar, 5 members, 0 is infinity, together as 1. Because of Boys Over Flower, everyone recognizes Kim Hyun Joong.

Say Hi to fans in Taiwan
Hi Taiwan Fans. I'm SS501s Leader Kim Hyun Joong. Very happy to see everyone.

Introduce Yourself
My responsibility is SS501's leader. I want to hurry and see Taiwanese fans.

How do you feel going to Taiwan for the first time?
Because it's my first time meeting fans in Taiwan, I want to try perform my best for everyone. And if they can listen our newest album, I wish everyone can listen to it.

How do you maintain your energy level with such full schedule?
First, I usually don't get enough sleep, so I sleep on the car traveling between interviews/appearances. And, I have to shower before I go to sleep. Go to sleep after showering is good for the body.

You have visited many countries in Asia. What are your impressions of girls from each country?
We've been to Japan, China, and Thailand. Even though this is our first visit to Taiwan, the girls' style from each country is different. I am very curious what Taiwanese girls are like. Looking forward to it.

What is your personality like off screen?
My personality off screen is generous and optimistic.

What are your future plans after shooting "Boys Over Flower"?
I did think about starring in another drama or movie, and there are many invitations right now. I want to choose and see if there is a project that fits. But right now, the most important is the Asia Tour. I want to complete the tour successfully.

Have you watched Taiwan's version of Boys Over Flower?
Taiwan version is called 'Meteor Garden". I have watched Taiwan version of Meteor Garden and have seen Taiwan's F4 performance. I have seen Vanness' performance in Japan.

Have you seen the performance of Taiwan versions Ji Hoo?
I think the actor (Vic) played Ji Hoo in Taiwan version acted really well and was very similar to the original comics character. He also have gentle eyes.

Introduce the SS501 members
SS501 have 5 members: Me, YS, KJ, JM, HJB. Our songs style is mainly dance, but not only dance. We also have slow and mid-tempo songs that we can perform. Idol group.

Do you know how to speak Chinese?
The line in (BOF) drama "You are pretty", "Please buy an ice cream" and "Korea"...that's about it "Hi everyone"

The Following are quick responses:
Your Interest: Guitar and dance. During breaks/rests, I often practice.

Thing that you hate the most: insects and birds species are what I hate the most

Which SS501 song do you recommend the most: I think SS501 songs are good. Of course, I wish everyone will like them. I think our new songs are very good.

Expertise: Singing and Dancing

Motto: Life is only once (You only live once)

Nickname: Puppy, cow

How would you like others to call you: I dont really notice what name people call me by

What animal would you resemble yourself as: .this...LION

Introduce family members: grandmother, dad, mom, and older brother all live together [liezle : click HERE to see Kim Hyun Joong's family portrait]

Idol: Seo Tai Ji. He is my most idolize celebrity

What type of girls do you like: Generous and direct girls

Which body part are you most satisfied with: Eyes

What is something you must do before going to bed: I have to shower

Your Merit: No matter how difficult the situation I'm faced with I will try to conquer it and stand up again

Ways to de-stress: meet up with friends, drink a little whiskey together, or else travel, this is what I wish

What you must bring in your bag: I-Pod, contact lenses, wallet, cellphone. That's about it

What kind of men is the most handsome: men who usually just be themselves and often show their enthusiasm are very attractive men

A habit that you have to get rid of: There's a lot of habit that I need to get rid of. During the shooting of BOF, I finally corrected the way I hold chopsticks. But after the drama ended, I didnt put much thought into it and went back to holding chopsticks the wrong way.

The thing that you tried your best (most focus) to do: My career, work
Favorite Color: Black

3 wishes: overall, not only asia, global universal level singer. Next is gather all the fans in korea and around the world for a free concert. After that live a normal
happy life.

p.s. i hope that i can share Kyu Jong interview later too. please wait for it.

btw. if you don't mind please leave a thank you message for shirbo on her YT channel. she did a wonderful job. ^^


  1. Hi Liezle,

    Thanks for the english sub.. as I can't read chinese..Is fun reading it. So there's is an interview for each of them... i can't wait for YS, that can make us get to know him more...

    Thank you so much

    Btw, can i put a link to your blog at the blog i just started? Need to get the permission from you first. Do let me know. Thanks


  2. Hi Jen!

    Go ahead it's my pleasure. ^^ And thanks again for always dropping by.


  3. wen060712:40 PM

    Hi liezle

    Thanks also for the english subbed provided^^

    Appreciate the shirbogurl21 for the english subbing :)

    Always love to come to your blog and hunt^^ keke~~


  4. quizzy10:23 PM

    hmm.. wow they are really starting to conquer asia...

    but will they ever come to my country...?

    anyways, thanks for the eng sub!
    doing a great job in there!

    thanks liezle, will never get tired of visiting your blog!

  5. wen, thanks again!

    quizzy, hope floats. ^^ who knows, nothing is impossible, right?

