
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kim Hyun Joong's Charm

Here is something interesting about Kim Hyun Joong that susAmerica shared on KHJ thread @ soompi.

First, thanks to susAmerica for letting me share this here. I told her that this is something that is worth having a page of its own in my blog for future reference. ^^

At his age, I think that Kim Hyun Joong is an amazing person and i agree with what susAmerica all said below. I guess his experience while growing up made a lot of difference compared with the others. I remember one new korean fan saying that khj amazes her. According to her he's not only unique [personality wise] but his way of choosing words when talking is different as well... he has depth.

Okay, here is what susAmerica shared on soompi which I will breakdown in three parts. ^^

1. Hyun Joong's character when he guested in KHB's radio program 'Music High' : tough, down-to-earth and did not sugar coat.

susAmerica wrote ~

He is only 23 (in American age) and yet very mature and worldly for his age.

He is a leader of SS501 and really behaves like one. I saw him in MUSIC HIGH with baby HJ and saw how bluntly he told HJB to shape up a bit to succeed as a DJ. He was tough and down to earth and did not sugar coat his statements to HJB. It sounded harsh but at the same time I think, if I were HJB, I would have appreciated it. ---ie telling HJB to speak and read more clearly, not to comment too much on what people send in especially if HJB does not really understand it or if the people's message is too much of a common knowledge, etc. KHJ also showed HJB to take things a bit lightly and make comical comments back to audience. He himself had no problem doing those things. He does not seem to be a guy that pretends to be anything but himself. Wow. He has tons of fans and many people see his charm too.

2. Kim Hyun Joong charmed the team giving him an interview only after 2 auditions.

With the above, susAmerican gladly shared on soompi this interesting post from this site. It’s an interview of Group8 Production Team to Hyun Joong while auditioning for ‘Boys Over Flower’. According to susAmerica, the team was charmed by KHJ after only 2 auditions.

Note from susAmerica ~

I am not going to translate everything in there. But basically he charmed the Group 8 so well that they knew he was Yoon Ji Hoo. If someone really good at translating Korean can do it I welcome it. There are certain Korean expressions, I just cannot get clear meaning to them.
They posted a small portion of their audition dialogue and I will translate that:

Q(question): Do you tend to like reading books?
A(answer by KHJ): Well, as time passes, not really.

Q: What's your reason? Is it because you are so busy?
A: Books are not as good as they used to be. These days, books seem to be retelling obvious stories in a boastful style. Not very interesting to me.

Q: In the past, what kind of stories did you read?
A: I prefer something different from novels or fiction. "Secrets in the Governmnet", "7 Wonders of the World" Especially I read everything there is to know about UFO. But 9 out of 10 are usually tricks. Now I know if I see it.

Q: What is the most recent book that you read?
A: (susAmerica : I do not know how to translate this title of a movie, but it seems to be somethings about the great wars of Korea??) I heard about movie "JUK BYUN DAE JUN" and so re-read or skimmed the book "SAM GOOK JI", (about the Korean 3 Kingdoms). Always intense.

susAmerican : You can sort of get a small taste of KHJ. He definitely does not seem to be a flaky or superficial person. He seems much deeper and a very intelligent young man. Maybe he had to grow up very fast and learn about life quickly on his own as he had to depend on himself for a while as his parents did not approve of his choice for livelihood. You guys know that, right?

Even though he had to lead a very harsh life for a while, he never seemed to have lost a sense of humor or his sense of responsibility for other people. He seems to be a loyal and practical friend (remember he helped himself and his friends set up a chicken shop? I wonder where it is in Korea?) [liezle : i need to know too so that Bambi and I can visit in October] ^^

3. Kim Hyun Joong's sense of humor

susAmerica : Below is another small article from Group Eight blog. Again I only translated a portion of it.

Unlike young men of his age, Hyun Joong has a reticent personality and is not very talkative. However, as the filming days progressed, he became more verbally open in front of Hye Sun. When the film is running, Jandi is the one talking nonstop to JiHoo sunbae. However, during rest time or sketch filming, it is Hyun Joong who is talking more while Hye Sun is giggling and laughing. That is why we the BOF staff knows. JiHoo sunbae's genuine charm and attraction is not his clothes, not his appearance, but his sense of humor.

susAmerica : I think we chose a good guy to become a fan.


  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Thanks very much. English translations help non koreans get to know KHY more. Hope to hear more news about KHY. Good luck to KHY and more power. Hope that all his dreams come true and stay as sweet as he is.

  2. Yes he indeed a special person.. I was touch too by all the things he did, his character as a 23 years old young man... he did so many great things. He did change the way I think to in life.

    The way how he work so hard to get the best result really amazed me too. His determination is so strong which i would like to learn it too.

    Lastly, he is more than just an idol to me.

  3. wen06079:27 PM

    I never regret to like him
    He is a very talented young guy~
    The more I see him, the more I love him~ >.< haha~ :D

  4. Hello Anonymous.

    I've heard that it's not easy to do translation and I'm so amaze and do appreciate the time and effort that all translators spend translating articles be it a short one or a long one. honestly, these people doing english translations are free PR to the artist/s, right? their english translation will certainly be translated to other languages which in turn will gain artist/s fans from every corner of the world.

    btw, thanks for dropping by.


  5. He is an amazing young man, Jen. So determined and yes like what you said hardworking. I just hope that he won't be too hard on himself. He's still young and needs time to relax.


  6. hi wen.

    you've been infected by the kim hyun joong virus. ^^ there's no cure found to it yet.


  7. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Can you translated this article?

    It's about HJ&Hyori I can read but can't understand^^
