
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kyu Jong on MTV

Here comes Kyu Jong's MTV interview. Geez, he talks much which I like. ^^

Thanks to shirbo a.k.a shirbogurl21 for letting me share with you here her translation that she posted on YT Channel. Again wonderful job again on this one as Kyu Jong talks a lot. Please drop your comment to shirbo's YT channel to give her thanks.

I like how he talked about the other members. I smiled when he asked the interviewer why he asked the same question twice [what kind of animal resembles him].

Btw, if you missed Hyun Joong's MTV interview, click HERE.

Video courtesy of shirbogurl21
Chinese to English translation by shirbo a.k.a shirbogurl21

here's subbed video from hoonfami YT channel

note from shirbo : His description of his own character is very similar to my impression of him when I met him.

Introduce yourself: Hi Taiwan Fans! Im SS501s Kyu Jong. Finally, our album will be released in Taiwan. Weve spent lots of time and effort making this album. Welcome everyone to listen to our music. SS501 will have many promotional events in Taiwan. Please look forward to us.

What is your personality like off screen?
Me? Im a very quiet person. I dont easily get close to new friends. My personality is more passive. Im more used to having others approaching me, but after hanging out once, itll be like wine- the longer you know me, the more charm you will discover. The interaction will be more natural. In the beginning, I dont talk much and get nervous easily. Everyone can start by asking me questions or say hi to me first and Ill respond happily. This way, we can all be closer. Please feel free to ask me questions. If you have any questions, you can write letters, go to homepage, or send by e-mail. Ill try to reply when I have a chance.

Since its your first visit to Taiwan, do you have anything special that you are looking forward to?
Because Ive never visited Taiwan, Ive always been curious what Taiwan is like. Before this interview, Ive heard Taiwan has a really tall building called 101 Building. I really want to go see it this time. I also heard that our visit will be close to Sevenths eve Valentines Day (Lunar Valentines Day). Well arrive Taiwan before that day and hope that we SS501 will leave a memorable Lunar Valentines Day for everyone. Also, I dont know what are the good Taiwanese foods, so I really want to try.

You have performed in many countries in Asia. Which country has the prettiest girls?
Weve been asked similar questions every time we visit a different country. In fact, girls in different countries have their own charm. In Korea, there are many outgoing girls and some quiet girls. Many different type of personalities but all pretty. Japanese girls are cute by the way they talk. They have very cute voice. Chinese girls talk very freely and naturally. Many girls are also very cute. Thai girls are very pretty when they smile. I have been mesmerized by their smile many times. Im curious to see the charm of Taiwanese girls. Hopefully on this visit, I can see Taiwanese girls charms. Maybe there will be love at first sight. Please let me feel Taiwanese girls attractiveness.

Is your character the same off and on screen?
No. Off screen I dont talk much and get shy easily. Sometimes, I dont know what to say, but its different when Im on stage. When I watched concerts before, I really like the live atmosphere. After I get on stage, Im not shy anymore and feel more at ease. I become very confident. Whenever I think about the fans watching me below the stage, I will get gush of bravery. My personality off and on stage is different. Please support the enthusiastic me on stage!

Introduce the other SS501 Members
Other members? First is Leader Hyun Joong bro. He is totally a real man. He is very generous, easy to get along, and dependable. I live with him. Sometimes, he would hide and cry secretly at night. He wont tell others when he is sad about something. He'll bear the sadness himself. He has strong personality (he will not fall).

Young Saeng loves cleanliness and is good at tiding things. Why would I say that? Because he is like the mom in this group, love to cook and likes everything related to food. He is also our best singer, lead vocal.

Jung Min is the announcer/spokesperson. Because he is good in communication, he talks the most during interviews. He also talks well on stage. Whenever we visit a country, JM is responsible for learning the local language. JM is a member with very good language learning skills.

Lastly, is youngest Hyung Joon. He has a lot of interest in dancing and singing. He choreographs dances and composes songs. From a music standpoint, he is a very hardworking member. Each SS501 has our own talent and charm. I hope everyone can continue supporting us.

Do you know how to speak Chinese?
Of course! In Korean this in Chinese zhe ge yeah? Right? That is ne ge. Youre welcome is bu ke chi right? And..What is this? zhe shi she me? and mei guan shi (its ok) and what else? Recently, Ive been working hard to learn languages. Chinese is very difficult but learning languages is really fun/interesting. I will learn Chinese seriously. When everyone comes see our performance, I will do my best to use simple Chinese to greet everyone. I also want to learn English. Everyone should learn English and can also try learning Korean. Itll be easier to communicate that way. Fighting!

Interest: Watch movie & listen to music
Nickname: The group members call me mantis and gorilla. During high school, prince
Which SS501 song do you recommend the most: I like all but our debut song Warning has the deepest impression. Warning holds a special place in my heart.

What animal would you resemble yourself as: JM always jokes that Im gorilla

Family members: dad, mom, me and a younger sister [liezle : see Kyu Jong's family portrait HERE]

Expertise: I dont have any expertise. I used to like magic a lot. I learned magic up until I graduated from high school. I stopped after debut and slowly forgot how to perform magic tricks. But in order to have an interesting performance, I will continue to learn magic.
Idol: Of course its koreas most handsome sunbae Rain.

What type of girl do you like: I like girls whose smiles are innocent and pure

Motto: Take on challenge with no regret

Which body part are you most satisfied with: hand, left hand

What is something you must do before going to bed: Brush my teeth

First thing you do when you wake up: Brush my teeth

After becoming a celebrity, which actor (artist) do you want to meet the most: Actor? The person I want to meet the most is Rain. Movie actors are Ha Jung Woo and Shin Ha Kyun

Your Merit: No matter how emotional I get, I will still think calmly.

Ways to de-stress: I like to travel by myself

What you must bring in your bag: disposable contact lenses

What kind of men is the most handsome: the most manly among men

A habit that you have to get rid of: theres a lot. I dont know how to talk well the tone and the expressive part. Sometimes I become un-ambitious. All these should be corrected.

The thing that you tried your best (most focus) to do: Recording and learning dance give me a lot of energy.

3 wishes: First, I wish SS501 can expand throughout the whole Asia. Next I wish Koreas CD market can regain its prosperity. Last, I wish to star in a movie.

Thing that you are most afraid of: Most scared of? Im afraid of height, so Im scared to be on planes.

Favorite Color: Before I like yellow, but I change my mind often. Recently I like blue

What animal would you resemble yourself as: how come you ask this question again?

What animal is your personality most similar to: ants. Ants are a kind of animal? Like ants, looks small and weak but I want to learn their hard-working personality that forms a powerful force. I want to be hardworking like ants.


  1. shirbogurl215:17 PM

    haha thanks so much!! first sentence was just my own comment!! hehe

  2. Oh you're here shirbo!

    Thanks again. ^^. Okay i'll go and edit it.

    btw, did you disable your comment box on your channel? It says 'Comment functionality has been temporarily disabled, please check back later',


  3. Anonymous8:43 PM

    hey (:
    I found your blog by chance and really, thanks for all the info! I'm always coming to your blog to get the latest SS501 updates! :D


  4. welcome to my blog amanda!

