
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lucky bottle!

And I bet you are wishing that you're the bottle! ^_^

Jung Min is such a tease!

I've seen the video of the pictuare below last night but wasn't able to post. I was looking for it but can't find that video anymore. Jung Min look so damn sexy after he gulped that glass of beer. Hope I'll be able to find the video later so that I can share with you.


  1. mel_12233:30 PM

    OMG, Liezle!

    Yea! wish i can transform into that BOTTLE! JM is smacking SEXY X 501 times!! ah...pls pls do find that vid out! wound is ripping apart again, he just again killed me on the spot!

  2. wen06073:40 PM

    Haha~ mel :P
    Your favourite is here....oops!^^

  3. mel, i found the YT in video. check my latest post. ^_^

