
Saturday, June 20, 2009

More photos of SS501 & a vid of HJL @ APMC

They're so many of them so I thought of just posting them in thumbnails so as not to occupy too much space. Just click on each photo to enlarge. Hee, they're better seen in big size.

Lifted from Original credit goes to Shangri~la of

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and here's one video from mavie0701 YT channel originally from thanks!


  1. mailene5:08 PM

    hey hey! thanks for updating your blog! hehe.. its really so good to see Leader back in shape.

  2. Hi Liezle,

    Omg, they are hot.. Everyone of them looks refresh after 2 week of rest..especially Leader HyunJoong.

    They really making me falling love with them by day, killing me softly.

    Everytime I see their vid and photos.. I felt my whole body melted, no matter what song, what event, what dance.. they are the best!

    Again, I'm speechless again. Thank you so much for sharing all this.

    Jen ^.^

  3. wen060710:39 PM

    Ya~ me to~~~ thanks again Liezle for the photos and videos posting..... as I said, my heart is beating even faster and faster..... oh no! Especially when see the photos of Hyun Joong ssi~~~ hahaha :D

    Got to control myself and calm down!!! hehe ^^

  4. hey hey hey too mailene. yup good to see him back. btw, were you able to watch APMC on SBS yesterday? I remember you asking in khj thread @ soompi. i was able to watch and saw their performance. ^^


  5. correct jen... hot X 5. sigh...


  6. wen, don't worry you're not alone. i'm certain ever fangirl of SS501 hyperventilates whenever they see them.

