
Friday, June 26, 2009

Park Jung Min on MTV

Shirbo, you're really working hard doing the translation of SS501 interview on MTV. You've been giving us so much pleasure reading and learning more about them. Hat's off to you!

Video courtesy of minentertainment YT Channel

Here's video from hoonfami with English subs.

Jung Min is really funny! Geez, I think the he has to get rid of the habit of repeating the question before answering. ^^ Nonetheless, he's so funny and honest.

In case again you get distracted by Jung Min, below is the translation from Chinese to English by shirbogurl21 a.k.a shirbo ^^ that I lifted from SS501 thread @ soompi.

Greet fans in Taiwan
Hi Taiwanese fans! I am SS501’s sexy charisma Jung Min.

Introduce yourself
My responsibility is to present SS501’s sexy charisma. Age? According to Korean way of calculation, I’m 23 years old. Height is 182 cm Weight is 68 kg. This is how to introduce myself right? My feet is around 270 mm to 275 mm long. What else should I say? In addition, my family members are mom, dad, older brother, aunt, older sister, and niece. In the future, I hope SS501’s entertainment career can continue for a long long time and become an internationally known celebrity. Also, I hope to be successful in all other business fields (investments). So I hope to be that successful. Ah…My goal in life is to live without regret. I said it correctly right? Did I talk to fast?

You are about to visit Taiwan, What are your expectations?
This is my first visit to Taiwan. So, how should I say this? I relate Taiwan to high temperature weather. I really like countries with tropical weather, so I’m really looking forward. The more tropical a country is, the more enthusiastically the people treat others. I’m anxious to see how enthusiastic the fans in Taiwan will be. I want to hurry and go see Taiwan’s fans.

You have visited many countries in Asia. What are your impressions of girls from each country?
My thoughts are similar to that of the other members. If we use Korean fans as the standard, assume Korean fans are the basic example. Compare to Korean fans, Japanese fans talks more nasally. So when they call my name, it’s not “Jung Min Jung Min”, it’s like “Jung Min”. China fans’ voices are more powerful. They go “Jung Min Jung Min” like that. Although girls from different countries have different looks, I still love all my fans. It’s interesting that they have different characteristics. Yeah…I don’t know what Taiwanese fans are like. I’m looking forward to their enthusiasm. Maybe they’ll talk really fast and go “JM JM JM JM”. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s enthusiasm and cuteness!

What is your personality like off screen?
Me? It’s always like this. How should I describe it? I don’t really like quietness. I like to meet up with friends and chat with each other, but I hate going to noisy places. I just like to chat with my close friends.

Please introduce the other SS501 Members
Huh? Like what everyone already knows. First is our SS501 leader, Hyun Joong. He is the leader. Then our Young Saeng. He is lead vocal and have the image of a Prince, and is a little mysterious. Then is Kyu Jong. Um…he is center. From some point of view, he has a very neutral/central role in SS501. He is not biased toward anyone. Then there’s Hyung Jun. He is the youngest. He looks like a tutle.

Do you know how to speak Chinese?
“I am Double S 501” like that. Ah… [restroom (in Thai)] is that Thai? Is that Thai? And also, “Hi” “Thank you” Ah ah…I know I know “You wanna die?” right? “You wanna die?”

Following are Quick Responses

Nickname: Me? It’s Sexy Charisma! I don’t know what others calls me, but it’s just Sexy Charisma.

What animal would you resemble yourself as?
What? Why you have to tempt me? Unicorn. Yeah

Which SS501 song do you recommend the most?
I really like the single that is about to come out. Soon, SS501 will released solo collection album. The song title has not been confirmed yet but I really like my solo song. I sang the song by myself! It’s the song that doesn’t have a title yet.

Interests: Interests? I have a lot of interests. How should I say this? Usually, I like to collect things. I often pay attention to cloth and accessories and interested in information related to that. So, I like shopping.

Idol: Idols…I don’t have any idol! My worst shortcoming, merit and shortcoming is I don’t have an idol. I just want to be myself.

What type of girls do you like?
Girls with money…just kidding. Because my parents are a bit older, so I would like someone who can treat my parents well and is also very passionate.

Motto: motto? If I have a motto, because I’m Christian, that is “Live with a thankful heart”! That is my motto

Which body part are you most satisfied with?
Me? Because my parents gave me my looks, I like all my body parts. I especially like my teeth.

Expertise: expertise? My expertise is to argue. Of course there are times like that. To argue is my expertise. Expertise expertise expertise None! I don’t have any expertise.

Ways to de-stress: Ways to de-stress? None. I don’t have any ways to relieve stress.

What you must bring in your bag?
I will have a lot of money on me and also brings lots of credit card. Also, my bag is very big, so I’ll bring things like diary. Not very sure but maybe bring the basic things that I need. Something to listen to music with because I really like to listen to music. Because I don’t know when I’ll be bored, so something that I can watch video/films with or books. I prepare and bring things that I can watch/read. Also…my bag is really too big…it’s huge.

What kind of men do you consider the most handsome?

What is the thing that brings you the most happiness?
Happiest event? That, nothing too special, but when I stand on the stage I’m the happiest. I’m also happy preparing before standing on that stage. To present my talent as a singer and artist. Also, the whole rehearsal and preparation process also brings me happiness.

What upsets you the most?
When things don’t go the way I planned or when things don’t go smoothly. I’ll get upset. Also, when the other members don’t do the way they said they would, then I’ll dislike the members.

What makes you most nervous?
Something that makes me nervous? I don’t really get nervous.

What do you wish for?
Most wish for? To become rich.

A bad habit that you have to get rid of
What I want to get rid of is not a habit, it’s a kind of sickness. Because I have sweaty palms, so usually my hands are really rough. I have to put on a lot of hand cream. If my palms don’t sweat, that’ll be good.

The thing that you tried your best (most determined) to do
Recently, I became interested in writing lyrics. But other members have already begun composing music, so now I want to too. As a singer, I should more talents to the fans. And try to think whether or not I should start learning how to compose music. I ponder about that nowadays. That’s all.

Three Wishes
SS501 becomes internationally known celebrity. Live eternally. Also, hurry and meet the Taiwanese fans.


  1. Hi Liezle,

    Thanks alot.. he sure funny, and cute. I can't wait for YoungSaeng's. I wonder how would he answer all the questions..

    Thanks again


  2. mel_122311:06 AM


    Thanks lots for it! I was smiling and laughing the whole time reading JM's interview. He just melted my day away..AGAIN!

    aH..I love him so is soo like him, funny as hell!

    Thanks lots! ^_^!!!

  3. quizzy3:46 PM

    he really is funny...
    a different charisma!
    i was smiling all the time while reaading this... :)

  4. hi Jen! i'm sure Young Saeng's interview will be out tonight. I hope our every diligent and helpful translator/s also do Young Saeng's interview.


  5. hey mel! seems like you're a Jung Min fan. ^^ He's so charismatic.


  6. quizzy, he never fails to make me smile/laugh too.


  7. J_Girl11:26 PM

    Totally Love JM! He's so true to himself and doesn't care how he comes off..he just says it as he sees it..(makes the joongbo bomb even more meaningful!)

  8. Hi J_Girl! the hint bomb! ^^ i know... i know...


  9. I love his motto!! He's so adorable!!!!!
