
Saturday, June 13, 2009

something about hyun joong and blankets

mailene posted this on KHY thread @ soompi. according to her there are more where this came from but the urls are lock. hope that those lock photos will soon surface on the net.

there's something about hyun joong and blankets even when he's fully clothed.

I suddenly remember one of his interviews with IS Plus early this year. When asked about his sleeping habits. He said...

KHJ: I sleep only in my underwear. I can’t endure heat, so I’ve slept wearing just underwear since I was little. I like wearing just underwear to sleep because I like the cool, soft feeling of the blanket touching my skin.

And do you remember one episode in 'Thank You for Waking Me Up' when he was sleeping in the same room with Kyu Jong? The alarm clock challenge? He removed his shirt before sleeping because he doesn't feel comfortable and cover himself with the blanket. Then when it was time to wake up, though he was covered, Kyu fixed the blanket probably from the order of his manager. ^^


  1. Cute guy with his blanket... I hope he is now in good condition after a week of resting!

  2. wen06078:19 PM

    Same here...hope he has recovered by now~ I'm still worried about him~

  3. hello jen and wen ^^

    read that hyun joong is at home recovering. i hope that it's true. though i'm certain that next week he'll surely be working again.

    enjoy the rest of the weekend.

