
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

SS501 another set of new photos

Another set of new photos from SS501 that i lifted from

Geez, 'love it so much when they busy. Photos and news just keep on coming. ^^ We're being spoiled.

Oh i just love this one.
Makes me want to do it with my friends.

I believe that this is from their promo pic
for the PERSONA Concert.

This was taken in Hawaii. I know that there were photos
already circulating around with the same background.
[or is it the same pic? ^^]

p.s. wen was so kind to share this YT link from this post. much thanks wen!

if you're particular with the kind of version you save on your file or you want to watch. this is it. ^^ it's a HD version of the 1st Episode of the Drama MV. I believe most that we've seen yesterday were SD versions. Here you go.

heaps of thanks to toofabhj YT channel.


  1. Hi Liezle,

    Thanks for sharing, yeah very nice photos.. that's why ss501 had to be forever as 5 together to make the star.. how nice :)

    Oh YoungSaeng looks so cute in the second photo... Thanks again!


  2. wen06077:19 AM

    Hi liezle

    You are always welcome ^^

    Actually I also must thanks jen for sharing with me this youtube link to watch the HQ version

    She shared with me yesterday morning cos the day before, I have encountered some problem to download the MV....

    Like the 3 photos especially the 1st one as they make the star~^^
    Thanks for sharing :)
