
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Video of SS501 Leaving Taiwan

Thanks to Portia27 for the tip from SS501 thread @

Geez, I wonder what happened to the security here? The boys were practically mobbed anew! Hee, but despite that, Hyun Joong, Hyung Joon, Jung Min, Young Saeng and Kyu Jung seem to enjoy the kind of treatment the Taiwanese fans are giving them. Look at them with a wide grin on their faces. The boys just love the fans! Look at them waving to the fans. Jung Min is so charismatic! ^^

Thanks to smarter44 for uploading the video on her YT.


  1. mel_122311:44 PM

    Then fans r all screaming J-M, J-M, J-M, abit similar like how he predicted the taiwanese fans will call him haha..

    I totally agree with u Liezle, he is really so charismatic there ^^^

  2. hai.....

    kim hyun joong...

    im rica
