
Monday, June 22, 2009

Cool Young Saeng

I seldom make a post on Young Saeng. It's not that I don't want to, it just so happens that there aren't much to post about him. Actually much as I would want to, I would also like to blog about the other members of SS501. But it seems that amongst the five of them, the media tend to report more on Kim Hyun Joong.

Anyway, I saw this photos yesterday on This set of photos was taken during the rehearsals at the Asia Pacific Modeling Competition last Saturday.

I love his glasses and the tee is nice too. I'm intrigue with those ropes.

credit : SS601 + name on label


  1. OH! Young Saeng looks so handsome!!, If you don´t mind I will like to invite all of you to my new blog, I have the new teaser videos and full audio of SS501 Solo Collection and more

  2. wen06075:03 PM

    Dear Liezle

    Someone will be very happy to see these photos for sure...^^
    Simply Jen~ haha... one of her favourites now~ :P

    Liezle, always thanks for your kind sharing^^
    I love your blog so much....^^

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    i wish i can know more about young saeng.. coz im so addicted about him...he's so adorable.. it's to hard to find any info about him..any way i love your blog.

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    here are some infos about young saeng..
