
Monday, July 27, 2009

clear but not big...

We've seen quite a few number of photos of SS501 when they guested in Starry Night last Friday but they're not clear, right? And we keep on looking for clearer photos to satisfy ourselves to save in our harddisk, right again?

Okay then, here are few photos that I found on khj0606. Yes they are clear though not big and that you cannot save each member's photo individually [unless you edit them yourself].^^ But hey these set of photos is better than earlier posted. ^^ Enjoy!

Here are the photos. Btw, for the 2nd set of photos, you may click it to enlarge.

p.s. I've been reading that the 2nd Korean album of SS501 will come out on the 3rd week of August and that in their concert [5 days to go to D-day!] SS501 will sing songs that are included in their new album. So you now know what to do... start watering your money tree. ^_^

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