
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Continuation >>> SS501 Interview with FANS Magazine

I bet everyone who has read xiaochu's translation of SS501 interview in FANS Magazine enjoyed it. xiaochu finished the translation the continuation of the interview and she posted it on Quiante501. Hee, and what is there for me to do is to share her translation here in my blog. xiaochu, BIG thank you for this!

If you still haven't read the first part yet, I think you're missing a lot... yes a lot. ^_^ Anyway, check HERE and read before reading the continuation below. ^^

Before you go on reading let me just share what I thought of the boys. ^^

Jung Min is such a darling, right? I like how he flirted with the interviewer. Geez, if I'm her i'll surely be blushing from head to toe. But she's also witty. I like it when she asked Jung Min to come home with her. Ah, I wonder how Jung Min looked when he heard that question. But of course Jung Min can't be outwitted and asked her to marry her. Aww, such cute convo. I wish I was her!

Young Saeng's secret! I lol-ed when Hyun Joong mentioned that he lit some candles when they're getting emotional. ^^ Now who would have thought that these two are awkward, right? Btw, he finds girls attractive when biting elastic band and about to tie her hair. Hey i've looong hair and I'm always in ponytail. I should have done that when he was looking at our side. ^_^

It's sad to know that Kyu Jong is still afraid of dogs. I wonder what made him afraid of dogs. They're such cute creatures and I love them.

I really like what Hyun Joong's said about them always seeing each almost everyday of their life...'5 of us are one'.

And Baby, since it was revealed earlier that he's the laziest member of SS501 I'm not surprised with his answer that he wants girls that can cook and feed him. ^^

Alrighty, I won't keep you waiting, here's the continuation. Enjoy!

07/14 [trans] Taiwan Magazine FANS Interview

Credits: FANS magazine (scans credit on pic itself) + (English translation) xiaochu @


KyuJong Worked At BBQ restaurant, String Meats Together

KyuJong’s experience of working part time is in relation to food. He worked at a BBQ restaurant before, stringing pieces of chicken meat together. He said “I had to put 3 pieces of chicken meat together in one stick putting an onion between the meats, and I had to do that every day when I worked there.” The hyper-active JungMin cuts in and said “Ah~Why do I feel that KyuJong is still doing this job now, it is like I smelt the BBQ smell here~” And YoungSaeng has not much experience of working part time, he indicated that he has only worked in a convenient shop before. JungMin’s mother was “yakult mother”, selling yakult on her motorbike, and the filial JungMin helped his mother by promoting the advantages of drinking yakult.

The One & Only Secret Among Members

SS501 has been together for a few years now, are there anything that happened among yourselves which is not known to others? Leader HyunJoong said “Everyone has been together for a long time, there is no secret which can be kept from each other.” However, when we talked about topic on hot spring, JungMin disclosed a secret of HyungJoon unexpectedly “Even though our members have known each other for 5 years, but HyungJoon is still not willing to bathe or soak in hot spring with the rest. Thus, ‘HyungJoon’s naked body’ should be the biggest secret among SS501 members. Anyway, this is still a puzzle among us.”

Little Touching Events Happening Everyday

Have SS501 done anything that is touching for the other members? These guys started to crush on their heads when they heard “touching”, JungMin jokingly requested “Everyone cry now!” Then the rational leader jumped out to say “Everyone is leading a normal life, there is nothing particularly touching that happened. However, every little thing in life may make us feel touched. For example, when the weather is hot and a member taking a drink for me, I would feel his kindness, this is also a form that makes us touched.” JungMin said “When HyunJoong is filming drama, everyone would go and visit him together. When I was acting in a play, they would come and watch, such incidents makes me very touched.”

Start of Asia Tour, First Stop Seoul

During the interview, SS501 also announced their Asia Tour which will start off on 1,2 August in Seoul, Korea. Tour stop in Taiwan is scheduled between October to December, hope that everyone can support them for the concert, and also welcome Taiwan fans to fly over to Korea for the Seoul concert. With regards to the contents of the concert performance, leader HyunJoong said “Each concert will be designed for the fans, like for Korea and Taiwan fans, we would use different methods to satisfy everyone. During this period, we will do our best to plan and come out with a very good concert performance.” Members created a commotion saying if the concert requires stripping of top to display their muscles, this mission would be given to HyungJoon, and jokingly said that it is because his body is very cheap.

? Your Deepest Impression During Your 3 Days in Taiwan?

JungMin: Eating the delicious xiaolongbao.

KyuJong: Seeing a lot of fans the moment we arrive at the airport, taking photos with 1,000 fans individually after the fan meeting.

HyunJoong: Fans giving us snack wherever we go, Taiwan snacks is delicious.

YoungSaeng: A lot of delicacies, suits my taste, I’ve a feeling of familiarity in Taiwan though it is my first visit here.

HyungJoon: Heard that a lot of fans started queuing 1 week before the fan meeting, I’m very touched by it. Hope that we can have a concert in Taiwan this year and everyone can attend.

Nickname : Sexy Charisma
Birthdate : 1987. 04. 03
Blood type : O
Height : 181cm
Weight : 67kg
Hobby : Writing Lyrics, Collecting Things, Taking a Walk
Specialty : Tap dance, Rock climbing
Animal that you describe yourself as : Unicorn (puhahaa…UNICORN?! =_= he’s trying to make a nicer image out of horse. ^^ love the humor)
Motto : Live with a thankfulness mind
Family members : Father, Mother, Elder brother, Sister-in-law, Sister, Nephew, me
Idol : None
Part which you are most satisfied of : Teeth
Habit that you would like to change : Hope to cure sweaty palm
Things that you bring in your bag : Brought all necessity to be brought
Thing that you do most seriously : Considering to compose seriously
3 wishes :
1. SS501 to become artiste known by people all over the world
2. Eternal life living forever
3. Quickly able to see Taiwan fans

? Holding a fan meeting in Taiwan for the first time, anything special that happened?

HyunJoong: After the fan meeting ended, I saw a lot of Taiwan female fans riding on motorbike following our car, this is quite rare in Korea.

JungMin: Fans pitching tents outside the venue, queuing for 1 week in order to attend the fan meeting.

HyungJoon: Taiwanese fans are very hot (very enthusiastic), even more enthusiastic than I’ve imagined, especially during the encore performance, everyone stood up and jump, I was so touched!

Leader Guarantees an Exciting Performance

For HyunJoong who undertakes the responsibility as the leader of SS501, he emphasizes this when we talked about their upcoming concert “Our concert will definitely be very interesting from the start to the encore performance, not only would we sing and dance, there would be other more exciting performance, hope everyone can look forward to it!” Even though this concert will not have any special guests appearance by other singers but mainly displays their group as a whole, the Taiwanese singers that SS501 hopes to collaborate with are Jam Hsiao, Jolin Tsai, Vic Zhou and Fahrenheit.

HyunJoong Makes a Hilarious End

Then how is SS501’s feelings on their first trip to Taiwan? Leader HyunJoong replied on behalf of his members “Coming to Taiwan this time, we were a little surprised to see so many fans at the airport to welcoming us, we would like to thank everyone for their enthusiasm, we are really very happy. In addition, JungMin chanced upon FANS magazine’s reporter during this interview, hope that both of them can have a great development on their relationship, wishing them together for a long time!” Once he finished, all the members burst out laughing once again.

Fans Version of We Got Married

What? Did I hear wrongly! For the first 25 minutes of the interview, leader HyunJoong has kept his rationality and cool, but never did I expect that at the last minute he would mess it up, did he want me get killed by the vast SS501 fans? Or that he thought he was back at the variety program ‘We Got Married’ which he participated previously? Anyway, this interview went out of course unexpectedly, but resulting in some laughing, so hope fans can read this as a joke, don’t ANTI me alright! Requesting for SS501 fans’ forgiveness~ I swear to do good interviews of SS501 for the rest of my life~ SS501, Mansae! Sincerely, peace!

? Besides being an entertainer, is there any other jobs you plan to take on?

HyungJoon: I want to be a boss, I like the feeling of working with a group of people.

YoungSaeng: I want to learn more about composing and be a composer.

HyunJoong: Actually I want to continue being a singer, but if HyungJoon becomes a boss, I want to be the CEO whom he reports to and manages him, haha.

KyuJong: I hope to move towards the big screen, to become a movie actor.

JungMin: I am a multi-player, I can do anything, can be a plumper or electrician, singer, boss, nothing I cannot do, haha.

On 28-Jun at 7.30pm, SS501 came all the way from Korea to hold their fan meeting at TICC with over 3,000 fans. At the fan meeting, they sang a total of 6 songs, in the interview, JungMin and HyungJoon prank on each other, making the whole event even more fun! In the middle of this event, they unexpectedly walk down to the walkway at the audience seat area, giving red roses to the lucky fans, making these fans who received the flowers so happy! After that, through random draw of ticket numbers, 5 fans were invited to go up the stage to take polaroid with SS501. HyunJoong’s fan is very petite, so he knelt down to match with this fan for the photo. JungMin suddenly carried the fan up for the photo taking, immediately making the other fans shout.

6/29 SS501 Commemoration Press Conference

Before SS501 ended their Taiwan trip from 27-Jun till 29-Jun, they held an official ‘Commemoration Press Conference’ for the Taiwan media at level 1 of Grand Hyatt which they’ve stayed in.

Won Golden Disk, Took the Lead to do Charity

At the press conference, SS501’s 2 albums released in Taiwan “SS501 Super Hits – Super Collection” and “SS501* 1st Solo Album – Solo collection” honorably won the golden disk the moment it was released, so they especially award to them a golden disk to commemorate it. SS501 also donated all the extra amount that they’ve received for the fan meeting to a charity organization “United Way of Taiwan”. It is no wonder they are the role model of idol group since they lead their fans to do charity on their first trip in Taiwan. They’ve had such a good result even though this is the first time they release an album in Taiwan. YoungSaeng, who is the least talkative among the members, said on behalf of his members “We hope to have more chances in the future to come to Taiwan to see our fans here.”

Forgetting Lyrics, Forgetting Dance Steps, Sorry

I made myself there for all the schedules that SS501 were scheduled for. Be it during the interviews or at the fan meeting or at the commemoration press conference, we are able to feel that JungMin, who is the most hyper-active among them, is the mood-maker in any open events, he is good at making jokes of variety-show levels. At the press conference, he continues to goof around and joke around. When he was being disclosed by the other members that he is the one that always forgets lyrics, forget dance steps, he pretended to be serious and said “I felt really regretful that I was chosen by my members to be the one who forgets the lyrics the most. Hope that it will not happen again.” And about being chosen as the one who always forgot the dance steps, he explained “I only danced accordingly to how I felt!”

JungMin Eats Anything – Drinks Beer and Dances

And when they are vote for “The member who loves to eat?”, the votes became more decentralized. Some pointed to JungMin, some pointed to YoungSaeng, but JungMin still won by 1 vote. So how much does he loves to eat? Leader HyunJoong said “JungMin is usually very thrifty, but he is willing to splurge on food. And most people would be more or less not used to food in a foreign country, but he has no problem in any countries, he really does know how to enjoy eating.” JungMin quickly replied with a Korean idiom towards this ‘accusation’, “People say to eat good and filled, you’ll be pretty even if you die.” Everyone started laughing after he said this and he was being requested to drink Taiwan beer as a penalty. He stood up happily and cheers to everyone before drinking it at one shot with the members shouting “one shot, one shot!” beside him. On the other hand, KyuJong is curious about the cup-shaped ceiling lamp and jokingly suggested to pour Taiwan beer in the cup-shaped lamp to drink. HyungJoon who loves to bicker with JungMin said “After drinking the beer, JungMin would have trouble looking for his room later!” JungMin also danced to his specialty, tap dancing, upon reporter’s request.

HyunJoong Too Lazy To Get Out Of Bed – Even Burglary Won’t Wake Him

They continued to ask the members to vote for ‘Member who usually too lazy to get out of bed” during the press conference. This question is also a all-win vote, HyunJoong got the ‘support’ from the rest of the members without doubt, even he also pointed to himself using the ‘cutie finger pointer’. He admitted “I am actually the person who loves sleeping the most among our members. When we just debut, I am not able to wake up even if there’re 50 or 100 phone calls to me, I may not even realize even if there is a burglary. But I’ve improved now, being able to wake up if someone calls for 5 times.” And when they were being asked who is the person that is most popular with females, all of them became humble and shy, indicating that they’re all popular with girls because each have different types of charms attracting different types of girls.

YoungSaeng Became Less Talkative, HyunJoong Dismantle Microphone

SS501 debuted for 4 years, how has the members change? KyuJong said “I was a quiet person, but after interaction with the talkative JungMin over the years, I am more talkative now.” JungMin said “KyuJong was more passive in the past, he is more cheerful now.” YoungSaeng is the opposite of KyuJong, he said “I’ve became less talkative, I’m more and more frightened of media and cameras, just like now I am perspiring.” While everyone is replying to this question seriously, HyunJoong is seriously immersed in the world of his own, playing with the mic in his hand, even opening the battery cover to investigate the structure. The production staff thought that his mic is not working and went up to him to ask him, and he said “I just wanted to know if the mic in Taiwan is different from that of Korea.” Indeed showing us that he is Kim HyunJoong who lives in his own 4th dimensional world.

HyunJoong Acting is Good, Members All Agree

Kim HyunJoong, who has become good friends with Lee MinHo after ‘Boys Over Flowers’, heard from him who went to Taiwan earlier than them, that ‘Boys Over Flowers’ is very popular in Taiwan, and fans would go to the airport to welcome them, also reminding him not to be taken aback by Taiwan fans. And Kim HyunJoong also expressed that he felt the enthusiasm of these Taiwan fans. Before Kim HyunJoong took up the role in ‘Boys Over Flowers’, he had watched Taiwan and Japan version of the drama. He thinks that Taiwan F4 and Makino are handsome and pretty. And the host deliberately asked the other 4 members how they thought of HyunJoong’s performance in the drama? HyunJoong became shy and covered his face, not daring to see if the members nod or shake their heads. But the members all nodded in approval of his acting skill.

Promised To Return By Year End, Wave Goodbye

Ending the press conference, SS501 took Cathay Pacific Airways CX531 at 8.20pm to Hong Kong, their 2nd stop for Asia Tour Fan Meeting. There are about 600 fans who sent them off at the airport. Because there were really too many fans and they are too enthusiastic, Leader HyunJoong almost fell, his clothes and bag were almost pulled off from him, even the wooden hand railing of the staircase leading to level 2 of the airport fell off! The 5 guys were so grateful towards the enthusiastic fans that they went towards the glass window prior to going through the custom check and waved to their fans for about 5 minutes. Fans responded by screaming enthusiastically. The other tourists in the airport are curious about this huge commotion and stayed around to watch. SS501 also promised before leaving Taiwan, that they would come back for a concert by the end of this year, hoping that the fans can wait for them!


  1. mel_122312:53 PM

    Oh Liezle,

    Thanks so much for the post and thanks alot to xiaochu for translation everything!!

    Oh, this interview is soooooo interesting to read, and now I know why JM has to down the beer...and that he can tap dance so well ^^

    Haha HJL til now still wants to take care of Baby, has to be CEO to look after him too hehe..

    So many funny parts in this interview.Thoroughly enjoyed this alot =)

  2. I love love this interview! I just finished reading the 2nd part [i was called to do something after posting]. ^^

    The boys are just so adorable. I can actually see just by reading the interview their reactions in every questions and answers they give. I wish that this was recorded in video.

    Ah Jung Min is really charming. He's really starting to grown on me. Bee, are you reading this? ^_^

    Could JM has a crush on the interviewer? I wonder how she looks like. Even Leader is teasing JM to her. Lucky lady!

    Amongst the 5 members Jung Min seems to have the biggest family member. And I'm surprised to learn that his mom is a Yakult lady. I've so many thoughts about JM... anyway, I wish him more and more success [of course same with the rest of the boys].

    I'm so curious to know what Baby is hiding behind those tops. Why doesnt' he want, even the other members, to see his body?

    Leader is talking so proudly of their upcoming concert. It seems that it'll be fun and so much surprises. Darn, I wish I could go. Actually I was supposed to but something came up and the only ticket available that a dear friend is offering is on the 2nd. Waahhh!!!! It was hilarious when Leader said that he wants to be the CEO where Baby would be the Boss. hahahahaha

    Kyu Jong, i wish for him to be on screen. it seems that he's next goal.

    So Young Saeng has to battle it off with JM as the member who eats a lot. ^^ I think that he is really dead serious in becoming a great singer and composer.

    Geez these boys are really adorable [i've repeated what i've said again]. I love how they've bonded and treat each.

    SS501 just gave me the biggest smile today.

    hi there mel and spring!

  3. Hi liezle~
    I enjoyed reading this so much I just had to translate ^^

    JungMin's really Funny...
    HyunJoong loves to bully HyungJoon (Well, he's being bullied by all anyways)
    my kYu's so adorable! Ayene was telling me how adorable he was during the HKG fan meeting.
    Saengie need to talk more~ TT_TT

    BTW, I saw short vids of the press conference, i dont know if YT has them, otherwise, feel free to watch it at my cyworld (

  4. xiaochu you're here! thanks for dropping by. i'm really really super grateful for ths translation. it's a MUST read and you did a very wonderful job.

    you KYU is sooooo handsome in person! honestly i was surprise upon seeing him. didn't know that HE IS that handsome. like what i've been saying in my blog and at soompi videos and photos don't do justice to his handsome face. and he really does look so sweet. but he's the only member i wasn't able to see really really close during the photo shoot because japanese fans and fans from mainland china were surrounding him.

    about YS, i agree with you. he has to talk more. he'll be 501% adorable if he does talk more. ^_^

    Jung Min... ahh... I think since HK i've been bitten by 'minnie bug'.

    Okay i'll check you cyworld when i get home later. ^_^

    enjoy the rest of the week.

    btw, few more weeks for before the BIG event. I'm excited for you and Bee.


  5. mel_12232:14 PM

    Yes liezle, just reading it all put a huge smile on my face, I was laughing and giggling here reading it all during my lunch hour..stayed in today to get more scope on the boys n ur entry came just in time..lucky there is no one around listening to my soft laughters here..

    Btw, I forgot to add that I am a big fan of Yakult too! Been diligently drinking it every morning for the longest time ever haha

    Love the boys so damn much!

  6. spring12:33 AM

    thanks so much so much to liezle for reposting this to share us and xiaochu for her very kind translation to share all fans.. xiaochu, really appreciate for yr effort..:-)

    i was busy and delaying to read them.. today i read it and i have so much fun reading them.. they r really amazing.. so playful, caring each other so much and always 5 as 1 them more and more now..:-)

    i bought the mag althought i dont understand.. just to see boys face and already happy.. now plus understand what is written in mags then have more fun... thanks again.. i printed and keep with my mags now..hee..:)

