
Saturday, July 25, 2009

A very nice article to read [English trans]

This is one great project made by the group of Cite and posted on SS601. I hope they will not mind if I shove it here and share with the other English speaking fans of SS501.

I'm not sure if anyone of them visit my blog, but I'm sure they'll be happy to read message of appreciation from everyone reading their wonderful work.

Thanks Cite and to your group for spreading this interview of SS501 with your translation. ^^

This article from Cool Music is a good read. I really really like how Kim Hyun Joong answered the questions whenever the interviewer would ask him about 'his' popularity. I really think that Leader is not comfortable when asked only about 'his' popularity. In this interview, he would always refer 'his' popularity as the group's popularity not only his. He's such a selfless leader and I think that the other members of SS501 are in unison about this characteristic of Hyun Joong [aside from being manly ^^]. Even Jung Min said something about leader participating in reality shown more than any other members was because of SS501 and not for leader's sake alone.

Likewise, I also like how the interviewer interjected in this article her observation of the SS501 members. Just like when she wrote how leader helped her silence the staff when leader ordered them to keep quiet with straight face, how leader was so helpful when he saw a staff carrying a table and many more about him. Also, I like it when she mentioned about the little accident that Jung Min had and how leader and maknae laughed at him. And, how Kyu Jong and Young Saeng got immersed in their own world.


Cool Music 2009.July-SS501 and Chocolate factory (English Version)
Credits : DSCS.UUSESY.COM(gymcat, CantBeMoved, MurdererQ,佑佑,julia2186, cite, sherry)

Enlarge each photo to read the English translation.


  1. thanks liezle,

    fun reading it.. now i wanna get hold of this mag. hehehe


  2. tiffany tay8:45 PM

    what magazine is this????

  3. wen06071:12 AM

    Hey liezle

    Thanks for sharing :)
    Saw someone posted on soompi too^^

    I also wish to get this magazine^^

    Btw, the august issue ASTA Magazine is focus on SS501 on cover - About their concert and album^^

    Must buy! ^^

  4. Jen, it's a great read, right? Though we already know some of what was written, this article from Cool was able to give us some info that we didn't know that only the people during the interview knows. It's really nice knowing even the littlest thing about each member of SS501.


  5. hi tiffany! if i'm not mistaken it's Cool Music and Chocolate factory. ^^

    I hope someone will confirm this and where to buy.


  6. wen, thanks for sharing the photo of ASTA. I want to buy too but buying magazine is too costly since it's heavier.


  7. Thanks for the heads up Liezle. Can we order these magz online re: Asta and Cool Music?

  8. Hi Liezle,
    I am an English speaking fan and I read your blog daily. Thank you so much for all your hard work.
