
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

frontview, sideview, neck and nape ^^

Found these photos on and I like that Shangri-la took photos and shared the sideview profiles of Jung Min and Hyung Joon and Hyun Joong's nape. ^^

I wish there'll be photos of Young Saeng and Kyu Jong from her as well because I always like her well taken photos.

Geez, I tell you, in the following photos what I first notice from the boys are thier neck, chest and nape. ^^


  1. wen060710:15 AM

    Dear liezle

    Thanks for all the pictures posting~^^

    I wonder have you seen my reply to you about my blog address?

    I re-post again to you ^^

    Oh~ actually I thought I have already posted my blog address
    Anyway, here it is :

    Ya~ I'm also quite surprised to see so many peoples turned up for the posters and stickers redemption on last Saturday~ Everybody kept pushing here and there, I even saw some peoples cut queues~ so horrible!

    I did managed to get the poster and sticker as I went down early to queue for it...hehe ^^

    Feel free to drop by my blog and do tag me so that I will know you have been to my blog before^^
    Thanks dear~ *^^*

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I love LEader wearing sexy!! like "nerd" but yet so charming...heehee...~~*drools**

  3. Hi there wen. ^^ Yup I've seen your comment but forgot to reply on it. Actually there have been so much comments lately that I haven't replied yet. Sorry about that. Thanks for leaving your blog address, i'll include you in my list of blogs.

    btw, congratulations! you're able to get a sticker and poster. ^^


  4. Hui_7,hi! Leader look smart but kind of tired. But despite looking tired he's handsome. ^^


  5. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Hi liezle,

    thx for all the updated post, i really enjoy visit ur blog. The earing that leader wearing is chinese letter 贤, ie 'hyun'.

    hailoon fr Malaysia
