
Sunday, July 12, 2009

worth watching all over again ^^

I found these videos on These are not new but but they're clearer versions of the ones we've seen earlier that was just posted on YT today. The embed links are disabled since these were taken out from MNet so I can only give you the link to watch in YT.

These are videos from the 'Boys Over Flowers' Promotional Tour in Japan last April. The first video is focusing on Kim Hyun Joong and the second video is SS501 performing 'Because I'm Stupid and 'Deja Vu''. and Hyun Joong's solo perf.

Check them out by clicking HERE for the first video and HERE for the second video.

They're worth watching all over again even without subs. The boys Japanese is so cute!

Thanks to Lemongrass0704 for uploading in YT.

p.s. i don't want to create another post just for this one since this is also related to BoF Promo Tour in Japan. This video is Kim Bum's live performance when he sang 'I'm Going To Meet You Now'. Thanks to hoonfami for uploading in YT.


  1. quizzy5:40 PM

    oh.. i just don't get tired of watching him and the rest of the boys, over and over again!!!!

  2. Susan6:29 PM

    Hey Liezle,

    was wondering if u saw this girl ''hugging'' leader at the hkfanmeet..i saw the pic on baidu.

    she's really daring.....awww our leader!!!

  3. Hi Susan. ^^ Yup I saw it. she's lucky that no one came up to stop her. ^^

    I didn't dare do it nor would do it if ever. Either, i don't want fans to get mad at me [fans would surely shout 'ande... ande'], managers to go up and scold me[which i don't want to happen] or ruin's leaders good mood. i'll be happy to be at the background taking picture with him and placing my hand at his back where no one could see or shaking hands with him if i'll be given the chance.


  4. hey there quizzy. ^^ same here same here. and no matter how many times i've seen some of their videos, boys just always give me the biggest smile.


  5. Susan7:56 PM

    Yeah, i agree with you! I think it's not that polite to do that..leader doesnt seem to look very happy! I think having the chance to take a picture with them is a very lucky thing to do already, let alone *hugging* them from the back!

    That girl is from HKtriples since she's wearing the greenflowerband thing? She's really daring, nobody scolded her or stopped her from doing so?? Haha!


  6. Actually I was already warned by a hardcore SS501 fan [who is a friend] that Leader doesn't want to be touched. ^^ Though I think it's ok if one or two does that. But if everyone does it I'm sure that in a way his mood will be ruined. ^^

    Btw, I read on happiebb's blog that in Taiwan, Leader seemed to have been touched quite a lot during the photo session that his mood wasn't quiet good.

