
Saturday, July 18, 2009

JM @ Music Core Rehearsals

Another new upload from shirbogurl21's YT channel.

I posted this video earlier but since video from daum is buffering a lot I'm replacing the previous link with this new link form shirbogurl21. You'll see in this video Jung Min rehearsing before the recording. Geez, he's just the sweetest when it comes to fans. ^_^

Btw, I like the stage better during the performance than in the practice.

1 comment:

  1. mel_122312:32 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    Thanks for the link, I been watching over and over again! Isnt he really the sweetest thing ever? Especially when he smiled cheekily and a little hint of shyness there, seems like he is trying to surpress himself from laughing.

    I love both his actual performance when he sings it with such emotions in Music Bank and Music Core, and yet, I am also loving him more here when he is being a bit more playful.

    No further words r required. I m truly DEAD. Now waiting for SBS's performance as well to fully bury me down. haha.
