
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Jung Min doing the tap dance

This video is still part of the PressCon in Taiwan but not included in KKBox videos provided earlier by Qoofishy. This is the part where Jung Min was asked to demonstrate a little of is tap dancing ability.

p.s. the MTV Interview of SS501 is already complete. You may check HERE again to see the last part from shirbogulr21.

Likewise, you may also like to check the performance of Jung Min last night at MuBank HERE. I've added another video this time taken by a fan.

1 comment:

  1. mel_12239:05 PM

    Ah, JM got caught off guard on the request lol!

    He looked soo cute tapping his feet, then bending down to cover his face haha...ah, this is nice!
