
Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Kim Hyun Joong Effect

I actually asked last night how the sales of the UFO cover is doing in SK. wen commented that it's already sold out. I read the news too in SS601 regarding about it. Now here's the confirmation from xiaochu. She just posted her translation of the news I read this morning and shared on Quiante about the selling power of Kim Hyun Joong.


07/23 [news] ‘Kim HyunJoong Power’ even for mobile phone cover

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


‘Kim HyunJoong is sold-out guy!”

SS501 Kim HyunJoong is indeed very good.

Kim HyunJoong showed his ability of selling out SamSung Haptic phone cover within a day of release on 21-Jul, through website.

This product named as UFO cover, was designed by Kim HyunJoong himself. Kim HyunJoong’s design cover started selling on 21-Jul at 2pm, and ended on 22-Jul, 10am. This is the result of only 1 day. Kim HyunJoong’s design cover advance purchase has ended and has been currently removed from online shopping mall’s list. Kim HyunJoong’s design cover is sold at 9,000won, which means that he made nearly 9 million won close to 10 million won in a day. It is not too exaggerating to use ‘Kim HyunJoong effect’ to describe his high popularity.

Samsung Electronics put this product with singer Son Dambi’s design, heart patterned cover, for advance purchase from 21~25 July, and had since sold 1,000 pieces. Son Dambi’s design cover is still available as at 6pm, 22-Jul.

Kim HyunJoong and Son Dambi carried out their mission for Samsung Anycall Haptic CF ‘New Employee’ from April. As new employees, they completed their mission with new ideas and design for phone covers by themselves. It took about 3 months for their designed product to be manufactured and to be sold in the city.

Kim HyunJoong is actively practicing for SS501’s Asia Tour Concert. For 2 days, 1st and 2nd Aug, SS501’s 1st Asia Tour concert will be held at Seoul Songpa-gu, Olympic Park’s Gymnasium stadium. And for 4 months thereafter, they plan to hold a total of 15 performances in Japan, Taiwan, HongKong, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Singapore, etc, a total of 10 countries.


  1. wen06072:10 PM

    Dear Liezle

    Yes... I was shocked to know about the fast responses!
    Anyway, thanks for the news~ ^^
    Abit disappointed but I feel happy that his designed covers have already sold out! ^0^

    Dun mind I repost this article with full credit! ^^

  2. J_Girl8:27 PM

    Oohh Yay! Go Leader! I'm not surprised at all, too bad they don't sell them here, I would've loved to own a design by the 4-D prince! So are 10 countries confirmed for the tour?? So far I only see 8 countires listed..I wonder where the other 2 would be?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET IT BE USA!!!

  3. hey there wen. ^^ you know what? when i first saw the design of hyun joong i knew it already that it'll be a hit since circles [and swirls] of all sizes and colors are 'in' in designs.

    hey no problem in re-posting. you know what to do.

    btw, can you give me again your blogsite?


  4. hi J_Girl. ^^ I really really do hope that DSP will soon release the sked of their tour in Asia. but it's keeping them long. Anyway, let's cross our fingers that it'll happen soon.


  5. wen06077:29 AM

    Hey liezle,

    Here is the address of my blog:

    Happy visiting :)

  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    yaY!... his charisma is working wonders...btw... calling all SS501 supporters and all ladies who find HJL irresistible... let's vote for him at the 2009 Seoul drama awards...pleeaassee... kindly pass on the word.... thnks-(A)
