
Friday, July 10, 2009

More about the boys acting

I'm pretty most if not all SS501 fans have seen the 2nd part of the SS501 drama mv more than once, right?

The MV was intense. I especially like the car chase and confrontation parts as it revealed the acting prowess of the boys.

Though Hyun Joong’s assassin role in the MV is short we could perfectly see the intensity of his acting through his eyes. From a calm and soft-spoken boy in ‘Boys Over Flowers’ his role as a mad assassin in the MV is a complete reversal. I’m not being biased and all but I really do think that Hyun Joong has the talent to act.




Hyun Joong has such a strong presence on screen. It's probably because of his appeal. I find it hard to concentrate whenever his shown on the screen. ^^

Like what I mentioned in my previous post about Kyu Jong's acting, I take back what I wrote about his ‘weak’ acting. I was completely wrong. He can act and he can be scary. Despite the innocent look, he was able to portray the character of a young man out to make revenge for his father.


Kyu Jong has grown up to be such an appealing young man. In person he look so darn good looking and sweet.

I hope that Kyu Jong's dream to act in movie or drama will soon be realized. He has potential. I hope that producers will get him.

Jung Min is the only SS501 member who had been trained to become an actor and later on decided to become a singer look mighty good in his bad@ss role. The loud Sexy Charisma we all know just shown to us all his acting ability.

I like the scene where in he emptied the gasoline to the right had of the person who wanted him killed. Also, I like his expression when he was outside the house of Hyun Joong.



Here are some screencaps of Jung Min by stayfreemymisery__` on SS501 thread @ soompi.

I was looking for more screencaps to go with this post but couldn't find more. Anyway, the GIFs in this post were lifted from

p.s. Bad me. ^^ I labeled this post SS501 and even included Young Saeng and Hyung Joon but didn't put anything about them. Hee, actually there is a GIF of them it's just that I hit the publish right away. Anyway, here are the GIFs.



btw, I cracked up when i read one post in SS501 thread @ soompi that since there's no acting of YS and Baby in the MV the posted said YS in the MV is the resident ghost while Baby is the club dancer. ^^



  1. quizzy10:54 AM

    LMAO... thats really funny liezle... YS as resident ghost and baby as a club dancer..

    made my morning extra special..
    anyone watching me now may think I'm insane.. im really laughing hardly!!! :))

    anyways, their acting was really remarkable, it is even hard since they are no talking, so they really had to make ther actions strong so we the viewers can really feel it! and we did!!

    they are good!!!

    thanks much liezle

  2. Hello, we are preordering Shinee 1st photobook/accessories,DBSK "please be mine" photobook n SS501 official goods/albums!Do visit for more details!

  3. spring12:40 PM

    hi liezle...

    you said all what i want to say to these 3 killers acting... i dont think we are biased.. they are really good in acting... didnt expect this much.. really amaze us... my heart was beating fast while watching and cannot stop when it is finished too.. i repeated so many time and now i repeat again in my free time in work..hahaha...

    they all have great potential in acting too.. i really like Kyu and JM strong acting too... so scary and perfect.. yes.. HJ also very great that totally different from BOF JH look. he really can act well any role given to him..
    wow.. if i continue, will not stop in priasing them... i cannot forget this 3 killer look and their songs from head and heart already...:-)

    Thanks liezle again for yr sharing all these nice capture pic from the scenes...

  4. Hi liezle,

    Yeah I think Kyu is so good in this MV. I change my perception on him after i have watched the full MV. He rules in this MV, his anger towards the bad guy...screaming ask him DIE wow.. the way he drove the car..Wow..

    Argh, YoungSaeng the resident ghost.. it's funny. I was telling others, oh finally YS is out of the TV. hahahaha

    Baby do really look like the club dancer...

    Well thanks for all this. SS501 did a great JOB!

