
Sunday, July 19, 2009

More Minnie @ Inkigayo

Here are more photos of Jung Min when he appeared today at Inkigayo to perform in the segment Most Popular their song 'If You Cannot' also featuring Ji Sun.

The following were from that I lifted from SS601.

Is Jung Min exercising his mouth again
just like in Music Core?

This could be during the
actual performance.

Not sure about this...
probably just getting ready. ^^

The last three photos are from Again lifted from SS601.

Omo! I love love this one!
Beautiful teeth.

I like this side view profile.
Look at that jawline.

Guys, have you ever wondered if these fans taking photos of the boys are always present wherever SS501 are? They're just so amazing. I mean, taking great photos and always at any event where SS501 or each member are? I wonder how they do it? Do they have a designated photographers that follow SS501 ? Do they assign a member on a particular show to take photos? Or there is only one person who does take all these great photos? I'm really amazed with the dedication of whoever is taking the photos and unselfishly sharing them to all of us.

Btw, I just read on SS601 and that Kim Hyung Joon will have a recording for his solo stage on The M on Tuesday, July 21 for his solo song 'Hey G'. Not sure though when the airing will be. So with this, I'm guessing that Baby will be next in MuBank, Music Core and Inkigayo. Hee, though I'm still betting for Kyu Jong to be the next. ^^

For everyone's info, The M is broadcast on skyen every Friday @ 6pm.

p.s. The M already had Kim Hyungjoon (SS501) and Sunny (SNSD) MCing the show that aired last May 29th and June 5th. Here's the video of them doing the show. Thanks to LUVSUNNY92 and SweetMelodix for the upload.

With 2AM

With Kara with English subs [you know that Kara is with DSP also, right?]


  1. mel_122310:14 AM

    Thanks Liezle, again!

    Ah..isnt he so wonderful, I can see you are growing on to him too..thanks for almost all the daily posts on him :)

    Words are beyond me already on how much I really like him, just catching a glimpse of him brightens up my day each time, i love all of his expressions and the person he is!!!

    Yes, it is really amazing how the fans manage to capture great shots of SS501 whenever and wherever they are, and the rest of us fans here are just so thankful to them for sharing these great vids n pics to us!

  2. liezle i 2nd you.

    "I like this side view profile"

    in fact

    I LOVE his side profile. @@~

  3. hey mel. you know what i like jung min before but when i saw him in person during the HK fan meeting i like him even better. i like his personality and he's really really sexy in person. those long legs of his... geez, i will never forgot those. and the smile that he gave after i left the stage...sigh. bee, would be a witness to my liking him more after the fanmeet. i actually never stoppoed talking about him. hee, actually until now i'm bugging bee about the video she took of mal playing on the stool he's seating with his legs streched. gawd! ^_^

    like what i said during my fan account post, jung min took my heart awaya. ^^


  4. hey there yokee! i'm curious who amongst the boys you like more? kyu jong, jung min or leaders? ^^


  5. do i really hv to number them?
    well, hyunjoong is 4D and one of a kind so he cant be counted..hehe..

    mm..i hv 2 number 2, kyujong n jungmin. haha there u go.

    why? who did u think i sounded like i like more? haha..

  6. yokee, my guess is right. leaders, kyu jong and jung min.

    i have the same ranking as you though jung min right now is .5 higher than kyu i think. so that makes him 1.5. ^^


  7. mel_12239:58 AM

    Ah Liezle, pls do bug Bee to show the vid out! Can you get it to be posted here to show us all too?

    ah...just looking at the vids of JM already made me breathless like crazy, I really cant imagine how I will react if I ever do see him in person! as I said before, I am soo envious of u! He must really looked exremely sexy in person for sure ^^
