
Monday, July 27, 2009

MVIO F/W Print Ad

The new MVIO Fall and Winter print ads are finally out [what we've seen before were photos from the photoshoot]. I found this set of photos on There are other photos posted but I won't be shoving them here anymore since they're from the photoshoot and some of which we've seen earlier.

Simple smart casual that can breeze
through daily urban grind with light
and playful pieces. [Clark Kent look]

For instant cold breeze,
Hyun Joong can't go wrong with the black jacket.

Hyun Joong new preppy look. ^^
It's not just about jeans and sneakers anymore.

The Sherlock Holmes inspired look.
A modern vibe to usual F/W season.

Shopping will catch instant attention
with this individualist's trend.

Mix and match to fab styles.

Steal-worthy look of a young executive.

The photo below is from the photoshoot. I'm including it here because Hyun Joong has a skateboard. ^_^


  1. wen06074:55 PM

    Dear Liezle,

    Do you have the biggest version of the last photo with the skateboard?
    I tried to click on it to enlarge but can't.....

  2. hi wen. ^^ here's a bigger version but not as big as the others.


  3. wen06078:02 AM

    Oh~ thanks liezle ^^
