
Friday, July 31, 2009

new song?

i found this link on SS501 thread @ soompi shared by goughsunflowers. I haven't heard it yet but i want to share it here since it's been circulating. They say it's a new song of SS501? Is it? A leakage from their new album?

Click HERE to hear.

p.s. for those who have heard the song, if you like it and if you really love supporting the SS501... as what we always say... please buy there CD when it's out.

and to those restraining themselves from listening, congratulations! ^^ one more day before THE BIG DAY and we'll probably get to hear this song as what DSP said in their earlier press release.


  1. mel_122310:15 AM

    Ah Liezle,

    We should not actualy be listening to the song just yet, it is so unfair that there has been a leak to it, while the boys are working hard to keep the new songs under tight wraps to give a true nice surprise at their concert tomorrow onwards.

    Plus the song has not been officially released yet. SS501 is already planned on giving the fans a great treat by singing it out for the first time and letting the fans to hear it the first time at their concert..

  2. hi mel. i'm actually having a second thought whether to post the link or not. i actually delete one sentence that i wrote which says 'i hope not... really not... since it's been said by DSP that we'll get to hear the 5 songs on the day of the concert.' because some might think that I'm being too pretentious not getting excited about it. but then i just wrote it now. ^^

    honestly, i read that this has been uploaded in YT too but MBC American in deleting the songs due to copyright issue.

    for those who have heard the music it's okay to listen but if you like it and if you really love supporting the SS501... as what we always say... please buy there CD when it's out.

  3. mel_122310:45 AM

    Yes, Jen was telling me there are a few vids already uploaded on YT too...

    Haha Liezle, I am too very excited about hearing the new songs, probably it is just me - but I feel a tiny whiny bit guity of hearing it before the concert kick-starts tomorrow :P

    So I will probably save it up and listen to it tomorrow night itself ^^

  4. mel, you're not the only one feeling guilty. like what i said i haven't listened to the song yet since i'm not home and will be back late tonight. ^^


  5. wen060711:23 AM

    Hey liezle, I appreciate for your kind sharing always ^^
    I know its not very nice for those peoples who go and upload their new songs which havent been released.... wasting SS501's efforts.....

    Anyway, I will for sure to get their 2nd new albums eventhough I have listened to the song that have been uploaded on youtube or any other channels.....

  6. shirbo1:41 PM

    ooops...that's me uploading it onto yt. now i feel bad :( i was just too excited and really like the song.

    on another note, i wrote you a message on yt!! please check it out :)

  7. hi shirley. ^^ oh you've uploaded it. ^_^ because we are actually all excited about it we tend to share it. 0_0 hee, but i know how you love the boys and that you'll be buying the CD. ^^

    btw, i can't go to YT until i get home. if you're going to soompi you might want to pm me there. ^^


  8. shirbo2:15 PM

    ooo its rush. you can just check it when you get home. i took it down from yt cause i feel bad!! haha i'm sure most people have already heard the song. anyways it'll be out tomorrow at the concert so yeah!!

  9. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Hi Liezle
    Thanks for the update. Yes, very excited to hear their new songs but to show support for the boys, I stop myself from listening cause this feels like stealing from the boys who worked so hard. It's only a day more hope to see fan vids of the seoul concert. Wishing them a very successful concert and much love. SS501 Ajaja!

  10. Anonymous6:10 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. HUHUHU... at least I heard it before it got deleted..well, I want to be patient but then seeing that I cant go to any of their concerts (still studying) I like to hear their songs first..hahaha
    but then its better to wait when it will be released as an album..

    buy your own copy guys.. ss501 manse.!!!!!!!!!!

  12. shirley, i left a message in YT. ^^

    i just had my usual rounds in YT and seems like channels that are usual very fast in uploading whatever SS501 stuff are available have no 'new song'. probably they took it down as well because of the stiffer copyright law or they really do love SS501 just like you do shirley. ^^


  13. hi there Anonymous! High five to you!


  14. Hui, did you delete your posts? Anyway, i saw your comment though in my email. ^_^ So the link above is also out? Sorry, i really haven't checked the link above.


  15. hi hannah. so the link above no longer works? ^^ i guess fans love SS501 so much. ^^


  16. Anonymous11:17 PM

    yah...i posted a comment tat i hope to listen to the song...but after thinking, i scared you gals will scold me, so i deleted mi comment..! heehee..~

    now i hafta wait for 2ml sure the wait will be worth it!
