
Sunday, July 05, 2009

Photos from Pinksiren

These are just some of the photos from Pinksiren. Like what I said there are many but I can't share the others since they're blurred [believe me, it's so hard to take photos when 5 handsome men are in front of you]. There'll be videos soon too from her. I'll share them too later.

Like I said, photo and video of Kyu Jong doesn't do justice.
He's more handsome than I thought and I'm not the only one who said this. Even my other friends from other countries says so. And oh, the Japanese fans love him so much. In my batch for the photoshoot, the Japanese were like planning on blocking him alreday from us. Hee, that is why I didn't see him when I went up the stage because his Japanese fans were blocking him.

Jung Min, I've said so much about him already. And okay, let me confess... he's currently my #2 man amongst SS501.

Hyung Joon, I keep on thinking what he did at the event aside from the 'Tom & Jerry' moment but I can't think of any that really put a 'mark' on me. The 'aego' that he did was cute but other than that Baby didn't scored high from me much at the fan meet. But he's handsome and really really nice when he turned around to bow and say thank you after I touched his back when I'm about to leave the stage after the photo op.

Hyun Joong, I think that he was keeping it low key during the event. I know that he's like almost always expressionless but I think now I understand why. During the even you would seldom see him do an eye contact with the crowd and wave unlike the other members. I think it is because if he keeps on doing those things, he would get the crowds attention and fans would be starting to scream again making whoever amongst the members are talking drowned by the screams of the fans. I think that leader is being considerate with the other members.

Btw, on screen, on photos and in person, Kim Hyun Joong is so handsome period. Hee, and he's real!

Young Saeng, the Gee dance really brought the house down. Sexy mysterious Young Saeng!

During the photo op, my friend gave to Young Saeng our flag and he was holding it during the photo op. Afte rthe photo op he was returning it to my friend and said the he can keep it. But I think he didn't hear her and returning to me the flag then I told him "No, you can keep it." He then said 'Thank You" then put the flag in his pocket.^^

Young Saeng's face is small too and his nose is so cute.

Here are more from pinksire.

Leader and Prince, both quiet. Leader i think being
considerate of the other members and
Young Saeng being always shy around people.

Oh I love love this part! Jung Min was kinda teasing Young Saeng.
Btw, i think that Jung Min is using the pants that Young Saeng
used in the Taiwan fanmeet. Hee, don't be surprised, it's a known
fact that the boys are sharing wardrobe. ^^

Baby and Kyu. Both keep on waving and
acknowledging the fans.
They're so adorable!

Hyper Jung Min. Cannot stand and seat still.

Hyun Joong, he was so cute during the photo shoot and
at the finale. Love it very much when he initiated joining
each couple pic^^ Btw, I noticed that at the end
he's communicating
with the fans more.

Tom & Jerry moment. Hyung Joon removing some
icing on the microphone of Jung Min. ^^
Fans just love them seeing some public
display of affection from them.
Fans were screeming. ^^


  1. Hi Liezle,

    Welcome back from your trip. We will wait for the photos of 5 boys and you together. Please take your time to organize your stuff, there is no rush, we can wait.

    Were you staying the same hotel as they were? Did you need to pay extra fee for taking the photos with the boys? The money received was said to be donated to the charity group.

    I wish they can come to Canada in the future.


  2. wen060711:21 AM

    Dear liezle

    Welcome back! ^^
    Glad to see your updates again^^

    Can feel your excitement ^^
    Really happy for you
    Did you see any singapore fans over there?


  3. mel_122312:45 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    I did already seen some of these pics, but am still very grateful n happy that you are posting these here too..I cant get enuf of Mal, so thanks alot of ur comments n pics here ^^.Really happy that you were there and able to give some 'live' comments as i can imagine the actual presence thru ur posts..haha

    Rest well now that u r bck :) and yes, i agree with Maria, take ur time to arrange ur photos n rush ya, we know how busy u hv been :)

  4. Spring1:46 PM

    hi Liexle...

    you are back now.. i am very happy to see all your update.. last few days, we are kind of missing you already..

    very glad and happy for you.. you are so lucky to enjoy and experience great moment with them..

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience...
    I love them more and more everyday...
    i am so exciting while reading yr experience and photo shoot with them...i wish to see them in real person too.. sure i will hard to breath and taking photos or video. i may just staring at them and forget everything..^-^ understand that you didn't get good pics of them to share us.. no problem.. we r happy to read yr experiences as well..

    ya.. leader is very considerate and caring brother to memebers. like you said he has to stay in low key.. fans will be gone crazier if he is so active. i am sure he does not like to get all attentions. his original character is a bit quiet and expressionless. so, it suits him. he is such a nice and super considerate leader. although he stay in low key, our love never go him most. after that is our sexy charismas JM.. he is really hyper always..;p i wish to experience Tom and Jerry moment and YS cute GEE dance too..
    wish they will come to s'pore soon or i will be able to go their fan meeting next time..

    Again Liezle thanks so much for all yr effort in posting all new news and pics..
    now, welcome back you home..have a good rest too..:-)

  5. I have fun reading your personal take on the event ...please take your time rush needed

    I started liking Young Saeng when i saw his snsd gee dance ...he was so adorable with those moves

    About Kyu Jung, I guess that's the reason why both wonder girls chose him in WGM because he is way cuter in person ...lucky Yoobin

    Of course, my fave is still Leader KHJ since he is the reason why I came to like the SS501 boys. I remembered in WGM that he had always been considerate with Hwang Bo so it is innate already with him. So glad that fans also start to appreciate his good intentions.

    Thank's for the update ...been stalking your blog although you mentioned you were in the FM ^__^
