
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Samsung Haptic New CF

The new CF from Samsumng UFO Haptic Pop cf came out today. The cf is actually featuring the cover that was designed by Kim Hyun Joong. This cf has the complete F4 boys with ET. ^^

Actually the 31 seconds cf was not recently shot. I'm pretty sure that it's been shot during the 'Boys Over Flowers' time but only came out today. Though we've seen earlier the other version of the cf sans Lee Min Hoo.

Here's the cf.

Just in case you forgot about the cf that F3 was in last March here it goes again.

I wonder why, this came out first than the one above. Does it have anything to do with the LG contract of Min Ho?

p.s. i wonder how the sales of UFO haptic cover is doing. Honestly, it's really a cool design and i like it.

1 comment:

  1. wen06076:58 AM


    Oh~ I was so depressed yesterday cos I have missed the sale of the cover UFO designed by KHJ, I was told from my korean chingus that the UFO designed cover had already sold out within a day! No more stock already! T.T
    Anyway, thanks for sharing the CF~
    Remind me of the UFO Phone case~

    Oh my my! >.<
